Judge Rules In Favor Of Mike Lindell’s Privacy Concerns – IOTW Report

Judge Rules In Favor Of Mike Lindell’s Privacy Concerns

Tatum Report: One of President Trump’s loudest supporters Mike Lindell, owner and CEO of MyPillow, won a significant victory over his anonymity in a historic battle with voting machine company Dominion. A Washington D.C. judge ruled in Lindell’s favor saying that he doesn’t have to disclose his address.

Lindell’s lawyers reportedly filed a motion to protect his address after someone “directly threatened Mr. Lindell’s life or physical safety.” Counsel for Mike Lindell’s company said a man repeatedly called the MyPillow call center phone line describing his plan to kidnap Mike Lindell and decapitate him.

Back in March, Mike Lindell told “The Domenick Nati Show” that he “absolutely moved around to undisclosed locations.” He said, “I haven’t been back to Minnesota, and anybody out there that is looking for me, I haven’t been back there in two months. I can’t go back there.” more

6 Comments on Judge Rules In Favor Of Mike Lindell’s Privacy Concerns

  1. TPTB are ruthless. If we knew the half of it…

    Like the Chinese removing kidneys & eyeballs from living people, that ruthless.

    Like Stalin starving millions to death.

    We’re talking a disregard for human life that puts Planned Parenthood waaay back in second place. Think Brietbart, Ashli Babbit or Seth Rich…blatant, in your face, whacha gonna do ’bout it, murder?

    How many people are you connected to, in any way, like a friend of a cousin of your great Aunt…, an old schoolmate of your sister’s best friend in England, whatever, that was murdered?

    I know 1, a friend’s mothers’ once live in boyfriend(who I never met or heard of). In 69 years. The odds of the Clintons knowing over 70(that we know about) are in the billions to 1.

    Think about that. Match that up with the NSA and their facilities that record EVERY email, phone call, text…the USPS that tracks every piece of mail…google et.al. now turning over any info the LE agencies request…you think for a second that they’re not monitoring sites like this?


    Lindell has every reason to stay on the downlow

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