Oregon: Riots and Recalls – IOTW Report

Oregon: Riots and Recalls

OR Catalyst:

By Lars Larson,
NW and national radio host

Maybe we should just resign ourselves to ongoing riots.

After all, the current leadership of Northwest cities seem content to let it go on night after night.

About 200 of the usual suspects from Black Lives Matter and Antifa staged another riot.

They set a dumpster fire, shot fireworks at cops and smashed windows at multiple locations.

Police arrested five but we already know how that works.

Social Justice District Attorney Mike Schmidt will make disapproving noises and then give these criminals a slap on the wrist.

And then it will happen all over again.

They’re attacking government buildings so rioters know taxpayers will fund repairs so they can break it again. more

19 Comments on Oregon: Riots and Recalls

  1. My guess is that it’s all according to plan. It’ll continue until and unless enough citizens sprout a pair. That won’t likely happen until financial collapse, and then it might be too late. I wish I could be optimistic.

  2. If it’s localized then people will just leave. And the ‘woke’ ones can’t leave, because they have been selling this very ideal. So eventually it will just be the woke and the blokes, battling it out, and since none of them was ever productive anyway nobody will care.
    Or at least I think that’s what is happening.

  3. Laws are passed to be a deterrent for criminal actions.
    Police are to arrest criminals.
    District Attorneys are to prosecute offenders.
    Judges preside over the prosecutorial legal process to determine innocents or guilt. If the defendant is found guilty, apply the prescribed sentence (a repeat offender, sentence to the full extent of the law). If found innocent, set free.
    Police are discouraged from arresting criminals and when they do the criminals have a revolving door as the District Attorney drops the charges.
    When the District Attorney brings charges, the Judges apply the least of the sentencing guidelines adding to the revolving door for criminal repeat offenders.
    Laws are ignored by the elected officials, District Attorneys, Police, Judges and criminals.
    Portland and Seattle’s justice system is broken beyond repair and their citizens know it. Rather than fight to repair their cities and the judicial process, Citizens are voting by leaving in droves as their cities crumble under the weight of lawlessness.

  4. Nothing will happen unless the voting process is taken away from democrats and government union employees. Repeal mail-in voting. Then publish every address where a vote came from plus the number of votes generated there.

  5. If a man isn’t willing to defend himself, he probably isn’t worth defending.
    The same can be said of the denizens of our cities.

    If they don’t care, why should anyone else?
    Fuck em. Let the maggots eat em.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Jennifer darlin’ maybe you not be
    paying attention.Mail in votes are the
    most acceptable to fraud,the kind that got
    a sick demented pedo creep like joke biden elected….

  7. Ha! The Other Guy is a perfect example of the real problems in America.

    He’s uneducated, he’s been totally propagandized, he’s ignorant of the facts, he refuses to listen to opposing views and he probably believes the liberals give-a-shit about him as an individual.

  8. Perhaps I am being naive, but the question I have is thus, when the video’s of these riots are posted to news sites, how do these antifa/blm types get professional grade fireworks? I have a dear friend who does fireworks shows all over the country & he tells me that you MUST have a license to possess these items in any way. Some of these devices are much more powerful than a stick of real dynamite.

  9. The rioters knew which cities to start in precisely because they knew where the “Loyal Opposition” was.
    These politicians are in on the game. They are playing their designated role with gusto.
    This is all part of a coordinated plan which will end in the attempted overthrow of the Constitution.
    Contemplate this one item alone: The Antifa/BLM mob is getting war-ready. All of these small coordinated skirmishes are preparing the “foot soldiers” for war.
    Bring all of the puzzle pieces together: Whenever the Autonomous Zones were set up, all across the country, they started handing out firearms without doing the required background checks.
    Every single group had the same idea by coincidence? I think not. It was so obvious even Mr. Magoo could see it.
    Where were the typical liberal shrieks about gun control? Where were the arrests for terroristic activity? There weren’t any precisely because they are in on the gig.
    We’ve only seen a fraction of their stockpile. These “protestors” are armed to the teeth and are now acclimated to battle field chaos courtesy of the complying authorities and your tax dollars.
    Contemplate Che Guevera: Not Cuban, a hired Argentinian gun. When they marched into Cuba, they weren’t throwing soda bottles with urine or frozen water.
    Far too many people think of these criminals as basement dwelling good-for-nothing losers with no capabilities. The posted pictures of snow-flakes trying to figure out which end the bullets come out of is nothing more than a nice convenient ad campaign they’ve been able to promote with Soros Dollars.
    For well over a year Blamtifa have been “prepping” while we’ve been locked down courtesy of the same government officials allowing the rioting.


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