Wonder What Happened with All Those “Fact” Checkers – IOTW Report

Wonder What Happened with All Those “Fact” Checkers

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

When someone tells you there’s no man behind the curtain pulling the trick, and you’re staring at a giant magic wizard, and the curtain is armed specifically to be secretive against investigation, it makes you suspect there is a man behind the curtain, especially when you’ve gotten glimpse after glimpse.

No matter where it came from, the fact is, there is a man behind the curtain, and that man ordered all the early reporting journalists in Wuhan to be imprisoned. Without questions, the worldwide liberal media fell into line, because of both laziness, and in the US, also as a tool to wound certain people politically. MORE -> Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Wonder What Happened with All Those “Fact” Checkers…. (diogenesmiddlefinger.com)

10 Comments on Wonder What Happened with All Those “Fact” Checkers

  1. “Laziness” isn’t synonymous with “Traitorous.”

    Our media aren’t lazy – they were indefatigable in their hounding of President Trump and everyone associated with him. They also work overtime to spread the lies and distractions of the Usurper Biden’s cabal.

    They are clearly traitors. They are clearly uninterested in facts. I would go so far as to aver that they are suppressing facts in order to promote their hate-America agenda.

    izlamo delenda est …


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