What a Drama Queen – IOTW Report

What a Drama Queen

Patriot Retort-

I know. I know. I haven’t posted a damn thing since Monday’s column about drama queen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claiming going through the riot on January 6 was like serving in war.

My apologies for the absence. My workload for my new job increased this week – which is good for me. But it cut into my available time. Plus, I had to go see my regular doctor yesterday to get yelled at.

So imagine my surprise yesterday afternoon when I discovered that Drama Queen Alexandria is starring in yet another “Made for the Movies” psycho-drama – this time involving Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The Drama Queen from the Bronx wants to file a restraining order against Congresswoman Greene for “verbally attacking” her.

Apparently what prompted this exercise in dramatic overreaction is a couple weeks ago Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted “Hey Alexandria” twice to get her attention as AOC left the House chamber.

Yelling “Hey Alexandria” is AOC’s idea of getting Single White Femaled?

Who knew you could get a restraining order on someone for shouting “hey” at you? more here

21 Comments on What a Drama Queen

  1. Explains why that cuckwit Kevin McCarthy is backstabbing Marjorie Taylor Green, for allegedly outlandish speech.

    Like Giuliani being accused of peddling misinformation on Biden during the election, just as Democrat election fraud is being exposed. When Dems get in trouble, they’ve got to have a false equivalence for the media to latch onto.

  2. Ocasio-Cortez believes Greene is another insurrectionists another gun toting,racist,hater of all things good. She is an alpha female,a non-conformist, in other words, she is anti socialist,MAGA,and out to expose and defend us against the lefts agenda of anti-traditional American values.
    It’s Greene vs. Ocasio-Cortez and we all must take sides to fight for truth justice and the MAGA way.

  3. Yeah, I’m often taken aback by being addressed by my given name, a regular noun, and not a “preferred pronoun”….

    I seem to recall something about demons recoiling from the use of their real name, as it takes away their power.

  4. I met a young woman with tons of emotional problems who admires AOC as being brave and courageous. Hard left libs share a common bond of victimhood used to enhance their virtue signaling which in turn gives them a false sense of honor. Let’s face it, most are so messed up mentally that they wont get there any other way. Hard work and work ethic are out of the question. That’s why the Democrat party is pushing the value of emotions as related to self worth. Insecure people need big government to believe in them. Big government needs serfs to control. It’s the perfect match for both.

    Republicans represent strong individuality, work ethic, independence and self reliance. That makes us the intolerant bunch in their feeble minds because we don’t coddle their emotions. Worst of all, we don’t accept their emotional IQ
    as valid. We have to quit being complacent about the social transition going on here before it is too late.

  5. mickey moussaoui
    “tons of emotional problems” describes everybody that still believes this crap, and they try to defend their stance with, “well just because”.
    Stupid people need STUPID leaders.

  6. Umm, so she does not want any debate in congress? Not sure how that fits in the Constitution. Oh wait, she is a socialist and doesn’t care about the founding documents. Never mind. Ignore the old guy behind the curtains.

  7. She is the ultimate narcissist, and was probably the laziest, whiniest bartender that ever lived.
    She is where she is by a fluke. She is emotionally ten years old. Her knowledge is on a high school level. Being so lame, she is an insecure monster, willing to do anything to distract from her incompetence. ANYTHING. Same with Kamala Harris.

  8. Ironically, if AOC and her cohorts ever manage to bring about complete anarchy, it is going to her and her likes that will suffer a brutal end. Plenty of people will have scores to settle and when there is nothing to lose, it’s going to be very ugly, indeed.

  9. Once upon a time I thought nobody was as crazy as Nancy Pelosie and I never imagined she would last as long or go as far as she has.
    Crazy still too! So I’ll just wait and see what becomes of the useful idiot AOC.


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