St. Louis Mayor Guts the Police – IOTW Report

St. Louis Mayor Guts the Police

Her father is crooked former elected official Virvus Jones. Mr. Jones was the city’s chief financial officer from 1988 to 1995 when he left office after pleading guilty to felony tax fraud.

Frontpage News:
The newly arrived radical leftist mayor of St. Louis, Missouri, the city with the worst murder rate in America, is committed to leaving her constituents at the mercy of violent criminals by defunding the local police department and shutting down one of the city’s two jails.

St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones, a woke black Democrat, was sworn in in April after narrowly defeating Cara Spencer, a similarly woke leftist white woman.

Jones’s campaign, which focused on “progressive” criminal justice reforms, was unabashedly racist. She said during a debate that Spencer wouldn’t be a good mayor because her skin was the wrong color. MORE HERE

10 Comments on St. Louis Mayor Guts the Police

  1. Hood rats are as dumb as a box of rocks, and easily led around by the their nose ring. When God was handing out Critical Thinking skills, they thought He said Critical Race Theory shills.

  2. Expect the death rate to go up for a while now that there won’t be any risk of prison for hunting criminals and shooting them during the commission of their crimes.

    She’s breaking the system of stupid by cranking it up to 11. The ship will right itself. Especially if no one is left standing.

  3. It’s incredibly difficult to feel a smidgeon of sorrow for the constituents. They voted for this, especially if they didn’t vote!

    Perhaps it’s time to wall the filth up.

  4. This, along with myriad other stories recently posted here, is proof that the Left can only tear down whatever they get their hands on, they can not build a damn thing.

  5. Her father’s name is “Virvus”…rhymes with and looks like, “Virus”.
    Figures. He raised a daughter that’s a racist, rabid leftist plaque on St. Louis, MO. Libtard give their children stupid names.

  6. STL has always been a pitiful urban jungle.

    The only reason it has not quite become a post apocalyptic criminal war zone is that the remaining non blacks are armed to the teeth, so it’s mostly black on black crimes being committed.

    No sane person goes anywhere near that cesspool of a city. SOROS has invested heavily in converting STL into a Marxist hell hole.

    All the important political offices are occupied by his stooges.

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