OSHA says employers who mandate the COVID vaccine won’t have to report its adverse effects – IOTW Report

OSHA says employers who mandate the COVID vaccine won’t have to report its adverse effects

Agency wants to avoid “discouraging workers” from receiving shot.

Oh yeah, that makes it much less suspicious.

16 Comments on OSHA says employers who mandate the COVID vaccine won’t have to report its adverse effects

  1. “workers”
    sounds awfully chainese to me

    “Last month, GreatGameIndia published a story on the VAERS entry regarding the death of a 2-year-old from Pfizer vaccine. Since, the vaccination trials were only for children from age 5 to 11 officially, we asked “how come a 2 year old baby got vaccinated” and that “the incident should be investigated by CDC immediately.” Now the CDC has removed the VAERS entry without providing any details.”

  2. Since they lied their azzes off about covid, it’s hardly surprising that they are lying their azzes off about the vaccine. Starting with the fact that even calling it a vaccine was a lie.

  3. doesn’t sound very ethical to me.
    And while we’re talking about ethics- guess who is in charge of ethics for the NIH?
    fauci’s wife
    “A google search of Christine Grady revealed that she is a nurse-bioethicists and chief of the department of bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, according to her bio on the site.”
    the above referenced bio has been scrubbed. No surprise there.
    she is “chief of the department of bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center”
    talk about a fucking rat’s nest
    toby miles says hi!

  4. I’m sick of hearing the buzz word “safe”. People are being programmed to focus on it. The new holy grail. Definitely some occult and crooked bullshit going on.

  5. They pushed the reporting requirement all the way back to May 2022! People are getting the shots NOW, and some are experiencing adverse side effects within hours or up to a few days afterwards. Other than to cover this up, what fucking reason would they have NOT to record this?

  6. Osha = “OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH ASSOCIATION”….Shouldn’t there be some burden for reporting the bad safety and health conflagration of the vaccine?….

  7. Does anyone remember HIPA? Passed to protect the privacy of AIDS patients. Now my employer and total strangers want to know about my private medical care. Is this some form of group insanity?


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