They’re Marching in London Against CCP Virus Lockdowns, Vaccine Passport – IOTW Report

They’re Marching in London Against CCP Virus Lockdowns, Vaccine Passport

Epoch Times:

Thousands of demonstrators marched through London’s streets on Saturday in protest of CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus restrictions and “vaccine passports.”

Demonstrators gathered at Parliament Square before moving through areas in central London including Oxford Street, Downing Street, Trafalgar Square, and Hyde Park. The protest was largely peaceful but police said that “a small minority” of protestors threw objects at officers and a group of demonstrators briefly occupied Westfield Shopping Centre.

The “United For Freedom” March on Saturday was bigger than the previous protests against pandemic restrictions. Many have travelled from outside of London, with one group telling NTD News that they left home at 3 a.m. to join the rally. more here

7 Comments on They’re Marching in London Against CCP Virus Lockdowns, Vaccine Passport

  1. ….and where’s the outrage and protesting here, in the US? The home of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, where liberty rings? Where the term “inalienable rights” that are “endowed by our Creator” used to mean something?


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