Can’t Read A Clock… – IOTW Report

Can’t Read A Clock…

h/t Doc.

17 Comments on Can’t Read A Clock…

  1. My dog, with his sheep dog pedigree, was very adept at herding me to the dog food cabinet come dinnertime.
    – And always remember to feed the dog before you start eating or you’ll be stared at intensely until you do

  2. @Uncle Al

    I thought the same. Time, Being on time, reading an analog clock, meeting a deadline, not wasting other peoples time, are all Rassis.

    I wonder if The 14 seconds that Apollo 13 did a controlled burn to not die in space or torch in the atmosphere would be considered “problematic” in modern society?

  3. The roman numeral clock thing made me laugh. Stan (E. Stanton) Evans used to always joke that he heard a news reader on Memorial Day refer to World War II as “World War Eleven”.


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