Friday’s Jobs Report Could Kick the Legs Out From Under Biden – IOTW Report

Friday’s Jobs Report Could Kick the Legs Out From Under Biden


The economy was coming back under President Donald Trump.

But under Joe Biden, the economy has been hitting the rocks hard. Last month’s jobs report was so bad and so below the Biden’s team’s expectations that it was called the worst miss in the history of the report. They predicted one million new jobs; it turned out to be 266,000. The unemployment rate went up to 6.1%. Plus, the previous month’s gains were revised down.

The slow return to jobs, despite them being available, is believed to be due at least in part to the extension of unemployment benefits. It’s likely, also, because parents were unable to go back to work, since schools had not yet restarted in person in some areas — both issues which Biden had a hand in exacerbating or failing to cure. And both issues are likely still having an impact in this month.

May’s job numbers are being released on Friday, and given how bad the April numbers were, Politico is warning May might not show the growth that Biden needs to support his agenda. MORE

15 Comments on Friday’s Jobs Report Could Kick the Legs Out From Under Biden

  1. correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t I hear the same excuses under the record setting 8-year Obama Recession where we had no growth during his whole pResidency?

    as a wise sage once said … it’s Deja vu all over again

  2. correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t I hear the same excuses under the record setting 8-year Obama Recession where we had no growth during his whole pResidency?

    as a wise sage once said … it’s Deja vu all over again

  3. There are so many job openings open it’s not even funny and business owners cannot fill them. This is more scary to me than a lack of jobs.
    There is a reason why you can’t feed the bears in Yellowstone Park…..

  4. It will be dismal, but we ain’t seen nothin yet. Wait till oil is 80+ bucks a barrel as the dollar continues to lose value thanks to Joe spitting out the word “trillion” every other incoherent sentence. Shit’s gonna be real bad by the end of the year. Count on it.

  5. This bozo is already making the Peanut Farmer look like a genius. Wait until people have to start choosing between heating their homes, and feeding their families this winter.

  6. Steve Cortez, one of the sharpest economists out there {He has a show on Newsmax tv} has predicted all of this perfectly so far and whats to follow. Biden and his team are absolute idiots!

  7. Per Obama Joe is his third term. The one difference, there are a ton of jobs, just no one taking them because they make more to sit home. Every restaurant and small business in town has a for hire, get a bonus after 90 days, and paying above $15 for entry jobs. Just give it a few years until they kill all these businesses and then see if they continue the stimulus to sit home.

  8. @RickeyG

    Copper, appliance parts, rubber.
    Try and find new tires for your car ant these items have NOT been targeted by Ransom Ware.

  9. The biggest reason for the high unemployment is government paying people to not work.
    I call it Big Fuckin Yellow Check Day at the bank. Gov’t checks up here are actually slightly larger & yellow. You can spot them in peoples hands easy at the bank.

    JUNE 3, 2021 AT 12:45 AM
    JUNE 3, 2021 AT 12:45 AM

    “as a wise sage once said … it’s Deja vu all over again”



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