Kamala Harris’s aides reportedly in ‘panic’ after Joe Biden made her his migrant czar – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’s aides reportedly in ‘panic’ after Joe Biden made her his migrant czar

American Thinker-

By Monica Showalter

Apparently, no one in the Kamala Harris camp was thrilled when Joe Biden fobbed off onto her the job of stemming the surge at the border.

Back on March 24, Biden said:

In addition to that, there’s about five other major things she’s handling, but I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border.

Now the truth comes out: Harris’s staff were actually panicking, according to this report from CNN:

After the announcement, Harris’ aides appeared to “panic,” according to one of the officials, out of concern that her assignment was being mischaracterized and could be politically damaging if she were linked to the border, which at the time was facing a growing number of arrivals. But another White House official pushed back on the sentiment, saying the vice president’s team wasn’t panicked.

“Most qualified” was definitely a joke, which would be the best explanation as to why they could panic.  Some told CNN she was actually thrilled, but let’s just say the publicity-loving, selfie-taking Harris’s failure to visit the border or hold any press conferences tells a different story. MORE HERE

17 Comments on Kamala Harris’s aides reportedly in ‘panic’ after Joe Biden made her his migrant czar

  1. Always the coward, Joe throws the heat in her direction so she can take all the incoming fire.
    On her part, she’s another coward that wants to dodge any responsibility for their idiotic decisions.

  2. kamala, the incompetent, is handed another title that she has no knowledge or experience in handling. She is the poster child of failure of the US Government and the biden agenda.

    Tighten your belts, they just started to dismantle our work force, industry, oil industry, economic viability and all that is good in the US.
    Grandma will be eating dog food in a matter of months.

  3. To borrow from the former first lady Moochell”s sentiment:

    I have never felt more disgraced and terrified for our country by our leaders than I am with these two fools in office

  4. Kum-allah’s best chance at stopping any surges are with her industrial sized tampons.
    Heavy are the heads that wear the crown.

    BTW, anybody seen Buttgiggly of late? He must be keeping his head down, doing ‘infrastructure work’ on some Senators.


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