White House Press Corps Doesn’t Ask Psaki Any Questions About Fauci’s Emails – IOTW Report

White House Press Corps Doesn’t Ask Psaki Any Questions About Fauci’s Emails


The White House press corps did not ask President Joe Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki one question about the recently published emails between Dr. Anthony Fauci, health officials, and other scientists discussing COVID-19’s origins and mitigation techniques.

During the nearly 45-minute press briefing, Psaki fielded questions about the Russians, hacks, the president’s vaccination incentives, and bipartisanship but did not hear one mention of Fauci or the role he played in flip-flopping about masks, downplaying the NIH’s funding of gain of function research in Wuhan, and his relationship with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg who censored COVID-19 posts until recently.

One press corps member for The Spectator said she had planned to ask about the smoking gun emails but was never called on by Psaki.

“I was going to ask about Fauci’s emails at today’s WH press briefing but unfortunately I was not called on,” Amber Athey explained. “My second question was going to be about Biden shutting down the State Dept investigation into COVID origins. Hopefully will be back in the briefing room in a few weeks depending on how the rotation shakes out.” read more

6 Comments on White House Press Corps Doesn’t Ask Psaki Any Questions About Fauci’s Emails

  1. “I was going to ask about Fauci’s emails at today’s WH press briefing but unfortunately I was not called on,”
    Remember that “Circle Back” P-sucky requests lists of questions ahead of time so she can avoid any difficult or embarrassing situations….

  2. Gee, ain’t that peculiar?
    I guess they had more interesting things to ask about – like Joey’s favorite Ben and Jerry’s.

    As has been written: the Fourth Estate is America’s Fifth Column – and its membership’s names and addresses should be fed into America’s fire-control system – to protect them from harassment, of course.

    izlamo delenda est …


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