Gov. Abbott: ‘Texas Is Going to Start Arresting Everybody Coming Across the Border’ – IOTW Report

Gov. Abbott: ‘Texas Is Going to Start Arresting Everybody Coming Across the Border’

Western Journal:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has proposed a novel and likely effective solution to remedy the ongoing border crisis: arresting everyone who illegally enters his state.

The news follows Abbott’s disaster declaration on Monday, the text of which established that “the ongoing surge of individuals unlawfully crossing the Texas-Mexico border poses an ongoing and imminent threat of widespread and severe damage, injury, and loss of life and property,” and thus constituted a disaster.

In a clip from a Fox News interview posted on Sean Hannity’s website on Thursday, the Republican governor made it clear that Texas will do everything it can to defend itself from the unprecedented masses of illegal immigrants flooding the border and seeking to take advantage of the Biden administration’s lax policies, including leveraging the disaster declaration to make the necessary arrests of illegal immigrants.

13 Comments on Gov. Abbott: ‘Texas Is Going to Start Arresting Everybody Coming Across the Border’

  1. This would have been a lot more effective last February when the Biden admin moved in and set-up mass processing stations in several cities, using churches, and paying hotel operators millions for the sole use of their facilities. They are going to arrest some strays while the masses are moved through what has been installed.

  2. ““the ongoing surge of individuals unlawfully crossing the Texas-Mexico border poses an ongoing and imminent threat of widespread and severe damage, injury, and loss of life and property,” and thus constituted a disaster.”
    ..and another “novel” idea would be: Shoot the invaders because that is what you just described. WE ARE BEING INVADED!!!!!!

    When are people going to quit buttering-up the language, a Leftist tactic, call things out for what they are, stop using the “pretty language”? This is an ugly time for America, make clear of the WHO’S and WHY’S this is happening. The COMMUNIST have fired only one shot (Ashli Babbitt) and the “powers” have abdicated and hid themselves behind barricades to keep US out, not the real invaders!

  3. Wow, common sense returns to the border. Just how much are American’s going to pay for Fraud Biden’s screw ups. Biden takes a knee when we have an invasion on our border, apparently there is nothing going on in his brain, or more likely he’s not a true American.

  4. Good luck with that. How many centuries has this been a problem? Novel, oh yeah, right. More like drawing straws. Finger pointing got him no where. All these have been done & tried before, nothing new here. Next week it will be the wall again.


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