George P. Bush Announces Bid for Attorney General – IOTW Report

George P. Bush Announces Bid for Attorney General

“Please Clap”

Texas Scorecard: After weeks of speculation, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush officially announced his intention to challenge Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in the 2022 Republican primary.

Bush made the announcement at an event in Austin on Wednesday evening.

A member of the Bush political dynasty, George P. Bush is the son of former Florida governor and former presidential hopeful Jeb Bush and the grandson of former president George H.W. Bush. He is also the only Bush to currently hold political office.

Ahead of the announcement, Bush participated in an interview with KXAN News, in which he took aim at Paxton. MORE

25 Comments on George P. Bush Announces Bid for Attorney General

  1. “Let’s all give him a round of……THE CLAP!”
    Nope. Sorry. We’re all done with dynasties. At least I am.

  2. George P. was somehow elected to be Land Commissioner and promptly tried to destroy The Alamo and move the Cenotaph. The Alamo is important to Texas but George would rather it be forgotten or turned into an amusement park. No more Bushes in any office-ever!

  3. What’s the saying about, when a Yankee family moves to the South, it will take 5-6 generations before the Yankee family is considered part of the South? Maybe?
    Consider: George W, born in CT
    George HW, born in MA
    Only 2-3 generations into Texas, and they ain’t even BEGUN to assimilate yet. And likely with the continued family behavior, never WILL assimilate.

  4. Marooned, I never peed on an electric fence but when I was a little kid visiting my grandfathers farm I grabbed ahold of an electric fence at the same time holding onto my younger brother who got the brunt of the zap from the electric fence since I was acting as the ground. We screamed our heads off for my uncle to come turn the electric fence off and I never touched an electric fence again.

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