Trump’s CDC Director Got Death Threats from *Scientists* for Wuhan Lab Theory – IOTW Report

Trump’s CDC Director Got Death Threats from *Scientists* for Wuhan Lab Theory

Becker News: Donald Trump’s CDC Director Robert Redfield disclosed that he actually received “death threats” from other scientists when he discussed the theory that the novel coronavirus developed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

In a new interview in Vanity Fair, entitled “The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover COVID-19’s Origins,” Redfield shared the disturbing bit of information. more

See also:
Donald Trump *Unloads* on Fauci Emails: “What Did Dr. Fauci Know About ‘Gain of Function’ Research and When Did He Know It?”.

“There are a lot of questions that must be answered by Dr. Fauci,” he went on. “The funding of Wuhan by the U.S. was foolishly started by the Obama administration in 2014 but ended under the Trump administration. When I heard about it, I said ‘no way’.”

“What did Dr. Fauci know about ‘gain of function’ research, and when did he know it?”

8 Comments on Trump’s CDC Director Got Death Threats from *Scientists* for Wuhan Lab Theory

  1. Conservatives (If Dr. Redfield is one) should never allow themselves to be interviewed by Vanity Fair, Vogue, People, Elle, or that type of magazine run by liberal women and fag boys.

    They will work in Trump hate somewhere in the interview.

  2. Billy Fuster: The house of cards is falling apart so the rats are deserting the ship. I think he did speak of it earlier but since he was part of the Trump administrator so he was ignored.

    Your Friday afternoon mix of metaphors.

  3. Ask yourself why did the possibility of a Wuhan leak suddenly pop up again this week?
    The CCCP has finished their “disinfecting” and “clean-up” of all of the evidence, and they are confident there is no longer anything traceable back to their militarizing the “gain-of-function” of the virus, so they gave their propagandists the go ahead to open up the discussion with the plan that all the evidence the USA currently has will lead to dead ends.
    Either that or they have prepared enough “fake” evidence that leads the investigation to labs in the USA.


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