3 Democrat Virginia sheriffs become Republicans over anti-police rhetoric – IOTW Report

3 Democrat Virginia sheriffs become Republicans over anti-police rhetoric

Just The News:

Asheriff in Virginia’s Smyth County has became the third in the state in roughly the past year to switch his party affiliation to Republican, citing anti-police rhetoric used by Democrats.

Chip Shuler was elected as county sheriff as a Democrat in 2015 and reelected in 2019. But last week Shuler announced he’d became a Republican, citing “the relentless attack on law enforcement by Democrats,” according to WJHL-TV.

Adam Tolbert, the chairman of the Smyth County Republican Party, on Monday welcomed Shuler, congratulating his “bold move to leave the Democratic Party.” more here

10 Comments on 3 Democrat Virginia sheriffs become Republicans over anti-police rhetoric

  1. I hope this is the start of a big shift in momentum. In my little world peeps are pissed. And with every passing news cycle they’re getting more pissed. I’m not suggesting they’re ready to arm up and take off for DC. But things are going to get real interesting when there’s proof that the election was stolen.

    Not to mention there’s a certain amount of Libs that are saying”WTF”. They’re not getting what they voted for.

  2. …I left the County I lived in for 55 years and served directly for 10 of those when they went full retard and elected a lesbian sheriff BECAUSE she’s a lesbian, completely ignoring a bunch of OTHER bad things about her an ousting a SITTING DEMOCRAT SHERIFF because he was a White male.

    Wasn’t the ONLY thing, but it was a BIG straw on the proverbial camel’s back.

    ZERO chance 9f a “Republican” conversion THERE.

    …it’s a shame because I know some people in the SO, including a White Male Sergeant of many years, and it’s pretty sucky for them right now.

    But from MY point of view, having been there for the 2000 race riots where the County Sheriff was the ONLY source of order when the Big City department completely surrendered, it seems like WHEN it happens again, who will stand in the breach NEXT time.

    Screw you guys.

    I’m going somewhere that still believes in law, order, and the right of self-defense.

    You go be Democrat over there.

    I’m done with you.

  3. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf)
    JUNE 4, 2021 AT 3:42 PM
    “Why were they demos in the first place?
    i honestly don’t get it.”

    …in the County I mentioned before, the White Male Sheriff WAS a Democrat, but only because the Demons had turned the County so purple with Section 8 that it was virtually impossible for a Republican to get elected. He didn’t act or sound or Sheriff like one, but he did what he had to do to get the job, which I REALLY appreciated because it gave me some breathing room to be able to go somewhere else when the Idiocracy finally won.

    The only thing I’d worry about is if they’re just turncoats to infect the Republican party, like a Romney or a Cheney.

    Only folks that live there know for sure which it is…

  4. We live in a red county and got a female democrat sheriff thanks to Dominion. She converted to (R) when all the anti-police rhetoric started. She still supports Michelle Lujan-Grisham and her Red-flag laws.

  5. “Why were they demos in the first place?”

    The sales pitch.

    Many look no further than what they’re told about the party and the opposition.

    I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976.

    Why? Because all I heard was negative about the Repubs and Nixon, in particular. Add that Nixon resigned – in shame by all accounts – and the Repubs were dirty dog scumbags! I loved truth so I believed what I was told. What other source of info did I have? I certainly didn’t live amongst these people to see it for myself.

    Then I watched what Carter did as president.

    No! No! No! What are you doing!

    He was being a globalist even back then. I never voted Dem again after seeing that they overlooked their own members that committed even worse transgressions than any Repub ever did.

    Saw the game for what it was.

    Even today, my lefty friends believe the sales pitch and look no further to the results.

    Frustratingly, the argument is simple and irrefutable, but it’s like they are in a trance and don’t see they are creating disaster and misery with their politics even though they claim they want the opposite of what happens.

    I’m committed to the truth. It’s clear what is right and what is not.

    They (my lefty friends) are committed to the party no matter what and believe whatever the propaganda says – even though it contradicts their purported . claimed values.

    Like 3 of them: Supposed Catholics that keeps voting for abortions to be legal.

    Then stop calling yourself a lover of God, dummy. Wake up. Your part of the problem of why over 50 million American babies have been murdered in the womb.

    You are confused. Like most of the left.


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