New Indiana law allows teachers to opt out of union – IOTW Report

New Indiana law allows teachers to opt out of union

Just The News-

Anew Indiana law that goes into effect July 1 will make it much easier for teachers to opt out of union memberships and to stop having dues deducted from their paychecks.

Supporters say it’s a victory for the First Amendment rights of teachers, who are sometimes not aware they have a right to choose whether or not to be in a union and often cannot easily leave the union once they’ve joined.

“Teachers are not usually told up front how much those dues will be and oftentimes, deductions are taken without their knowledge or permission,” said Sharon Row, of Indiana Professional Educators, Inc., an association of non-union teachers.

The law, which passed through the Indiana General Assembly as Senate Bill 251, brings the state into compliance with the 2018 Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME, said Vincent Vernuccio, a senior fellow with the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. read more

3 Comments on New Indiana law allows teachers to opt out of union

  1. Teachers have the option to leave the over bearing Democrat/Socialist money machine that enriches Union leadership who fund liberal democrat social justice policies.
    Score one for freedom.


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