California shrank by 165,000 taxpayers, $8.8 billion in gross income – IOTW Report

California shrank by 165,000 taxpayers, $8.8 billion in gross income

Just The News: California residents of all ages and incomes are leaving for more tax friendly climates, and they’re taking billions of dollars in annual income with them.

The Internal Revenue Service recently released its latest taxpayer migration figures from tax years 2018 and 2019. They reflect migratory taxpayers who had filed in a different state or county between 2017 and 2018, of which 8 million did in that timespan.

California, the nation’s most-populous state, lost more tax filers and dependents on net than any other state.

Minus incoming filers, California shed a net 165,355 tax filers and dependents between the two tax years, representing a loss of $8.8 billion in net adjusted gross income.

Texas was the primary destination for California ex-pats, with 72,306 total exemptions leaving to go there. Neighboring Arizona saw 53,476 total filing exemptions come from California. The two states saw a gross income boost of $3.4 billion and $2.2 billion, respectively. read more

11 Comments on California shrank by 165,000 taxpayers, $8.8 billion in gross income

  1. The Great Escape will be remade and have McQueens character ride an electric scooter, with the mandated flag for all vehicles, attached. And no the jump fails.

  2. 8.8 billion gross income

    divided by 165,000

    Equals 53,333.33 per

    That seems strangely low for Kali. The land of multi-million dollar shacks for sale.

    The majority are some really low income people if you consider some rich people actually make up any realistic portion of the 165,000 fleeing the taxes. The numbers for the majority drastically drop as you start adding millionaires to the equation.

    These numbers, alone, make a pretty good condemnation of the economic policies of the left there. The poor can’t afford to live there.

  3. “The money earners left, and the bums, meth and crackheads flooded in.”

    Kind of, but mainly I disagree. See my previous post. I think the ones that give up completely – like the bums, meth & crack heads – will stay, or be drawn in like you say, because it’s more profitable for them.

    The menial workers? They will need to seek better lands.

    Talk about creating a classism divide. Rich vs homeless now.

    More likely that honest, hard working people are leaving because there is no room for them financially.

    Will adjust viewpoint to actual numbers, if we ever get them.

    They are driving out the poor more than the rich lefties.

    I’ve met several already here in North Texas.

  4. More than a few of them are coming to TN.

    You should see what’s happening to housing here. California people showing up with cash and driving Up bidding wars on houses, it’s beyond insane.

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