Oregon State Senator Kim Thatcher Introduces VaxPort Ban – IOTW Report

Oregon State Senator Kim Thatcher Introduces VaxPort Ban

By Oregon State Senator Kim Thatcher,

Vaccine Passport Ban Introduced in the Oregon Senate

SALEM, Ore.— On Thursday, Senator Kim Thatcher (R-Keizer) introduced civil rights legislation to ban vaccine passports in Oregon.

SB 872 would prohibit public and private entities from conditioning service or employment opportunities based on vaccination status or the possession of a vaccine credential. The anti-discrimination legislation would also ban the government from preventing Oregonians from exercising first amendment rights because of COVID-19 risks.

“The Governor’s vaccine passport scheme is an extreme invasion of Oregonians’ privacy,” said Senator Thatcher. “No Oregonian should have to divulge medical information to participate in everyday life. This bill is about making clear Oregonians’ rights, which have been railroaded by the Governor during the pandemic. One person cannot and should not have this much power over Oregonians’ lives and livelihoods.” more @ Oregon Catalyst

4 Comments on Oregon State Senator Kim Thatcher Introduces VaxPort Ban

  1. …couching it as antidiscrimination legislation is genius.

    …too bad it will be vetoed anyway, since they have complete Dominion over the elections and don’t NEED actual votes any more…


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