HL-185: FOIA Request for Pennsylvania CCPVirus Deaths – IOTW Report

HL-185: FOIA Request for Pennsylvania CCPVirus Deaths

It looks like Pennsylvania might be joining New York and Michigan for scandal as relates to nursing home Covid deaths. And it may go all the way up to the White House. -Viva Frei with Robert Barnes

21 Comments on HL-185: FOIA Request for Pennsylvania CCPVirus Deaths

  1. @Benito

    On some level I agree with you.

    But seriously, Is there ANY other picture that illustrates the total Madness of the Biden Administration than pics of this Delusional Lunatic?

    I have sent pics of IT to friends in Canuckistan who had No Idea. My 82 year old dad still laughs. (My mother, not so much.)

    It really would be funny if Biden Gropes it one day.

  2. I didn’t have any kids. Those are your kids in your public schools you pay for as you wake @ 5:30 AM every day and sit in shit all the way to and from work..

    Now ask who’s liable.

  3. My dad died in 69, if he saw that thing he’d wonder if the circus was in town, heck we all would.
    Besides everything else, there is no way that guy has the body to fake what he’s trying to do.
    Bring back the psycho words.

  4. I keep wondering how much of the panic early in the whole COVID-19 upheaval was caused unnecessarily (deliberately?) by the DEMOCRAT GOVERNORS, who killed 10s of thousands of unfortunate elderly people with their ‘stick COVID patients into the nursing homes’ policies.
    – If not for this particular criminal negligence, would we have had the lockdowns?

  5. Call me crazy, but I’m starting to really doubt a lot of shit.

    I’m not young anymore, but I believe I can still commit myself to be destroyed for a good cause if it got that fucked up.

    Jesus America, we’ve have the good knowledge for over 300 years as a nation to put it mildly. WTF is going on..? This is the only true republic on planet Earth. You’ve been warned to the point of death, war, poverty, redundancy etc..The struggle for liberty better be greater than the struggle for selfishness, or it’s going to suck biggly for people you push out..And that’s a natural struggle that suck, but it’s totally different isn’t it. Something to think about.

  6. Hello….America is in trouble.

    I think Jefferson was wise. It’s getting pretty corrupt all over. And even he said that would be pretty fucked up.

    We support our enemies, turn ours into worthless turds, Gay out our military, Gay out our police. Gay out our mayors. Gay out our judges. And everything from our elite + media is totally supportive of this SHIT!

    Obama wanted a new national police force.

    Some posterity: Gay WTF pronoun from the Chief of police them/they caca too in San Diego ..


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