Pension bailout agency flagged for contract bribery, fraud and payments to dead Americans – IOTW Report

Pension bailout agency flagged for contract bribery, fraud and payments to dead Americans

Just The News-

This week’s Golden Horseshoe award goes to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., the nation’s pension bailout agency that is still reeling from revelations its chief of contracting engaged in a bribery scheme that steered $4.8 million in fraudulent business to a vendor in return for more than $1 million in personal benefits.

The bribery scheme involving the now convicted director of PBGC’s Procurement Department was possible because the agency suffered from several vulnerabilities, including reduced competition among vendors, missing legal reviews and sole-source contracts that evaded bidding designed to get taxpayers the best bargain, the PBGC’s inspector general reported.

“His actions were enabled by internal control weaknesses; specifically, inadequate oversight of PD procurements and a lack of a control mechanism to ensure that PD sent all requisite contract actions for legal review,” the inspector general reported. “Although PBGC began requiring that more contract actions receive legal review after the PD Director resigned in February 2020, it does not have a mechanism to ensure PD complies with this requirement.”

The internal watchdog said it also found “internal control deficiencies allowed PD to avoid competition requirements when awarding five other contracts, three of which were for PD support. Four of the contracts were awarded on a sole-source basis, including three using small business set-aside programs.” more here

4 Comments on Pension bailout agency flagged for contract bribery, fraud and payments to dead Americans

  1. The entire FedGov has become a means to scam.
    Is anybody really dumb enough to believe that a $6 Trillion budget ($42,000 per taxpayer) is going to eliminate crime, corruption, fraud, ghettos, assaults, murders, or mayhem?
    This money will be siphoned off, a few million here, a few million there, until the Congress is screaming for more money and the Biden claque is demanding higher taxes on everything.
    Only the select will benefit – Pelosi, Schumer, Ryan, Waters, Feinstein, McConnell, McCarthy, Hoyer, the Penguin dude, Adam Schitt and to a lesser extent the Unions, the Media, and Academia.
    The taxpayers are being robbed and the poor dumb parasitic, envious schlubs who voted for the Demonrat/Parasite Party will be disappointed again.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Pension bailout agency flagged for contract bribery, fraud and payments to dead Americans”

    ..but its rayyyyciss to talk about all the VOTES that were cast by dead Americans…


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