Over 2 Dozen Antifa Rioters Charged in Portland Violence – IOTW Report

Over 2 Dozen Antifa Rioters Charged in Portland Violence

American Greatness-

In Portland, Oregon, over two dozen members of the far-left domestic terrorist organization Antifa have been charged in the political violence that has ravaged the city for over a year, according to Fox News.

The announcement was made on Thursday by the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office, with charges against 10 rioters after several grand jury indictments. The charges stem from one particularly violent demonstration on November 8th, 2020, when windows were smashed by rioters at the headquarters of the Multnomah County Democratic Party.

In addition to the 10, six other rioters are facing felony charges through a separate indictment over violent riots on January 20th, 2021. On the same day as the inauguration, Antifa marched through the city with a banner declaring “We don’t want Biden. We want revenge.” After marching to the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Oregon, they lit a fire in the street and smashed the building’s windows. Some of the arrested rioters were found to have weapons on them, including knives, batons, and crowbars. more

13 Comments on Over 2 Dozen Antifa Rioters Charged in Portland Violence

  1. Exactly, Ernest T…”We don’t want Biden” was a big mistake right after the iNsUrReCTiOn. Especially since Antifa fomented the Capitol riots, and the deep state was trying to obscure that fact.

  2. Like that is gonna help. Portland is gone. Fucking antifa is blocking roads in the suburbs and now they’re heavily armed.

    Another nice city I used to visit several times a year to use the most excellent facilities at 2 local art glass manufacturers.

    Just amazing how REgressives destroy anything that they touch.

  3. They’re going to prison because they’re rioting was unapproved by the communist party headquarters. Note to Dems: It’s tough to put the genie back in the bottle.

  4. …Hitler used the Sturmabteilung (SA) to climb to power, then destroyed them when they served no further purpose to him.

    Same thing.

  5. The only way to stop this garbage is to arrest, prosecute and imprison (with long sentences) these insurrectionists. That’s not going to happen. The discord will grow to the point that only deadly force, likely applied by vigilantes, will be foisted upon them. I won’t look forward to this, but I won’t shed any tears either.

  6. When the headlines begin to say, “Over 2 Dozen Antifa Rioters Killed By Patriots in Portland Violence” then, and only then will anyone actually give a shit.

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