Nun charged by feds for embezzling $835K from Catholic school she ran, used some funds for gambling – IOTW Report

Nun charged by feds for embezzling $835K from Catholic school she ran, used some funds for gambling

Just The News: The nun had taken a vow of poverty before embezzling money from the school.

Federal prosecutors have charge a nun who ran a California Catholic elementary school with embezzling roughly $835,000 in school funds to pay for personal expenses including gambling trips.


Prosecutors charge Mary Margaret Kreuper, 79, on Friday with one count of wire fraud and one count of money laundering. The charges were filed as part of deal with prosecutors in which Kreuper plead guilty to the charges, which carry a maximum penalty of 40 years in prison, according to the Justice Department.

Kreuper was the principal of St. James Catholic School in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, a post she held for 28 years.  read more

18 Comments on Nun charged by feds for embezzling $835K from Catholic school she ran, used some funds for gambling

  1. …if you’re gonna steal, might as well steal big, that way you won’t feel as stupid burning in the Lake of Fire as the guy who filched some ball point pens from his cubicle once, ’cause sin is sin to the Lord…

  2. Which just goes to show…the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. To me, it’s not so much that she’s a nun but that she exploited her position of trust. Shame.

  3. …and by the way: How hard is it to find financial anomolies of this size in an internal audit, anyway?! Someone was either asleep at the wheel or complicit. Who’s hiding under that habit’s skirt?

  4. Looking at that nun, now I know why some Catholics wear T-shirts that say “I survived Catholic School.” By the looks of that nun, she’s got the “there’s going to be hell to pay!” with a paddle in her hand.

  5. Anyone else remember the British comedy Nuns On The Run from 1990 with Eric idle and Robbie Coltrane as a couple of gangsters who disguise themselves as Nuns in order to escape from the mob and hide in a Catholic School. Robbie Coltrane’s Nun looks a lot like the scary looking mannish Nun in this story.

  6. She’s gonna get “The Test”…

    (This is a Catholic joke, so it centers on St. Peter. It also has all KINDS of theological problems. It’s not meant to be a Bible Study, so lighten up, Francis, and shut up with that).

    …one day, 3 nuns arrived before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Peter told the nuns that they all had a chance to get in because they spent their lives in the order, but each would have to answer a question before he’d let them past the Gate.

    Peter beckoned the first nun forward, and said, “Because you lived well and virtuously, you get the easiest question. Who was the first man and woman?”

    The nun said without hesitation, “Adam and Eve”

    Whereupon the bells rang, the angels sang, the gates opened, and the first nun went into Heaven.

    Peter then called the second nun forward.

    “Because you have sometimes had thoughts about carnal things but never acted on them, your question will be a bit more difficult. Of what was Eve formed?”

    The second nun thought breifly, then answered, “From the rib of Adam”.

    Whereupon the bells rang, the angels sang, the gates opened, and the second nun went into Heaven.

    …Peter then turned to the third nun.

    “Because it says here in my book that you had fallen into carnal relations with a man after taking your vows, your question will be the most difficult of all. What was the first thing Eve said when she came unto Adam the first time?”

    The nun furrowed her brow and squinched up her face, and said, “oh, ah, thats a hard one!”

    …Whereupon the bells rang, the angels sang, the gates opened, and the third nun went into Heaven…


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