“Do You Have Herpes?” – IOTW Report

“Do You Have Herpes?”

What Giving Up Your Medical Freedom Is Like

15 Comments on “Do You Have Herpes?”

  1. In this new world though you can spread herpes even intentionally and no one cares but if you are healthy and have the misfortunate of a contact tracer suggesting you’ve been infected with a virus 99.9% recover from that is the end of your freedom.

  2. It ain’t my kids coming home queer, and Marxist to boot, at my expense. It’s you assholes that have to possible deal with that shit!

    Never been married. Why ..? It’s not the time for me. Easy peazy, yep and easy…But it hurts. Why..? Cause this place is fucked!

    Stop following trends. Make your own patterns.

  3. The Bible said we’re just passing through in some area of that book. Thank God for that! But we have no idea what that means do we. Understanding something inside you that you know is something that has never failed you is something you know is real. You’ll be like all of the disciples of past and deny everything when all the truth matters, and the shits on the line.

    God isn’t ever going to come from the sky, and save your ass. It doesn’t work that way. When you die, guess what, your body is no longer your vessel.

    “For we are sojourners before You, and tenants, as all our fathers were; our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no hope.”

    The truth sucks only if you see it that way…..

  4. The Bible said we’re just passing through in some area of that book. Thank God for that! But we have no idea what that means do we.

    You don’t have an idea, but people like myself and others that study the Word, do.

    Short version – You were made to live forever, but you’re choosing not to.

    You act very sure of yourself, but know nothing of what you speak of regarding your Creator. You should consider some humility and honestly seek the answers you need.

    You posting these thoughts means you want to be helped in this area. It’s a start, but you have a journey ahead of you.

    As it is now, you will face a second death. You are currently denying the miracle of your existence to think so little of it.

    Romans 14:11

    For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

    At that time, you will know you have chosen wrong to reject Jesus and you will have regret.

  5. I guess I’m carrying around a lot of signs that would be hanging off of me. I do have a T-shirt that I wear frequently that says “If you don’t like my attitude, quit talking to me!” I’d like to wear a neon sign hat that says “Fuck Biden and Fauci Flu!” Maybe a sign that says “Bad Attitude Steer Clear!” “Steer Clear I’m Mental Today.”


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