Obama Spied on What Seth Rich was Downloading – IOTW Report

Obama Spied on What Seth Rich was Downloading


For over 5 years, Patrick Bergy has been trying to draw attention to the Shadownet. A weapon of psychological warfare. The architecture he built to psyop foreign nations in the cyberworld. ShadowGate told you all about it. Unfortunately, though CATAPHORA is a tool, the BIDENS made a hefty chunk of money in 2010, similar to the Shadownet. But, instead of populating sock puppets and driving narratives online, they trace ALL cyber activity to find leakers. How? They check all DOWNLOADS.

Biden and his company were concerned about the Panama Papers and Wikileaks but felt better knowing CATAPHORA was deployed within the US Government’s networks. That means ALL networks, including ENCRYPTED CALLS that President Trump had with foreign dignitaries.

Is this how they found Seth Rich?

Arresting, silencing and disappearing leakers before they leak?

The program actually hones in on DOWNLOADING information. Downloading from systems or when someone DOWNLOADS something that they were sent. For example, when the FBI was downloading the DNC server before the “hack,” hackers SAW the mass download and, therefore, copied what they were downloading…..allegedly. How did the DNC server get hacked if the FBI was downloading it while being imaged (Downloaded to a physical drive)? I guess the HACKERS hacking the FBI hacking the DNC download stream that was being imaged was who they were really after. Maybe they assumed #HisNameWasSethRich was working with them. Not like white hat hackers have ACCESS to Cataphora or something? 💅

5 Comments on Obama Spied on What Seth Rich was Downloading

  1. The DNC is in their rights to monitor what their employees are downloading. They’re way outside their rights to blow their employee’s brains out for it; so they can concoct a bullshit narrative that the Russians did it for the benefit of Trump.

  2. The people that killed Epstein are the SAME people that killed Seth Rich.
    – You threaten to expose the big shots in the Party … you die.

    And although we ALL know the Party is corrupt and evil and guilty of criminal activities, ain’t nobody talking
    – See how that works?


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