AMERICA LAST: Biden Dumped Trump’s Cheap Insulin Program On Same Day He Promised 500 MILLION Vaccines For Other Countries – IOTW Report

AMERICA LAST: Biden Dumped Trump’s Cheap Insulin Program On Same Day He Promised 500 MILLION Vaccines For Other Countries

  1. A lot of the vaccines are about to expire and Biden needs to dump them.
  2. Roast in hell, demented bastard.

“The United states will purchase an additional half billion doses from Pfizer, Pfizer vaccine, that will donate nearly 100 low and lower middle income countries, they will be the beneficiaries.”

National File:

The Biden administration quietly ended President Donald Trump’s policy that saw many Americans receive lower cost insulin and epinephrine pens on the same day he promised to purchase 500 million COVID-19 vaccines to be sent to foreign countries.

Yesterday, Biden promised world leaders at the G7 summit that the United States of America would finance the purchase of 500 million COVID-19 vaccines to be given to poor countries at almost precisely the same time the White House budget office approved Biden’s plan to slash a Trump-era program that provided low cost insulin and epinephrine pens to low income Americans.

On the ending of the Trump-era program, Fox Business reported, “The measure, signed off on under the previous administration in December, aimed to require some 340B community health centers to deliver savings to low-income patients for insulin and epinephrine in a bid to bring down unaffordable prices.” Fox Business notes that the Biden administration refused to offer a comment when asked by the cable network. more here

18 Comments on AMERICA LAST: Biden Dumped Trump’s Cheap Insulin Program On Same Day He Promised 500 MILLION Vaccines For Other Countries

  1. All Leftists are evil. All of them. Because not knowing you’re doing evil things because you’re not paying attention/or ignorant, is just as bad as knowing you’re doing evil and loving it.

  2. It has been clear, for quite some time, that President Trump is the real champion of the poor and blue-collar people, not the fake president Xho Bai-den. What amazes me is how so many of these people still vote democrat, against their own best interests.

  3. The democrat party is filled with assholes who want unlimited benefits for themselves while also demanding that the government fuck over and destroy anyone they don’t like. And this democrat base is too fucking stupid to grasp that the government can’t tell the difference between them and the people they want to destroy nor does the government give a fuck about making the distinction. Just as easy to fuck over everyone equally.

  4. Wicked and evil. Invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. Then you fail to flat out reject any Party that boos The Good, you have so acknowledged where you stand. Opposed to the one who infinitely good and that defines you and places you among those who are allied he who is infinitely wicked and evil. It also tells the entire word who it is you spire to emulate. Does it not? In fact it validates my assertion that no matter what degree of filth, what degree of evil action, no matter what degree of wickedness you have personally witnessed on the part of followers of that their worldview and then imagined what the limit to their wickedness could possibly sink to… when not if they show you that they can easily sink to that level they are just getting warmed up. What they are saying is: You haven’t seen anything yet. I have dedicated my life to showing the Dark Prince that I am dedicated to his mission and if you thought that was impressive, hold my beer and watch this.

    Oh hell yes, they want to be seen. They want to be recognized. They want to be admired. How many times have you say when called out on what they put up as art that art is meant to offend, art is meant to shock, art is meant to send a message? Yea, no shit Sherlock. Message received here, loud and clear.

  5. And guess what progs, your “art” does not shock, your “art” does offend the senses and sensibilities , your “art” is created to glorify that which you worship, it is what anyone with any sense of reason expects from them by now. It is offensive, but it is also passé

  6. So you can have the emergency approved jabs and all upcoming boosters along with any other vaccines for FREE but if you need medication to literally survive it is going to be either expensive or cost prohibitive. So take it a step farther when you are injured or learn what your injury is over the next few years should you have taken the free jab just think how they’ll own you then. No compensation for the injury and you will now need big pharma products and procedures to survive. And they can decide who lives and who dies.

  7. Grop’in Joe and all the other politicians are heavily invested in Big Pharma… If they aren’t making money, neither do the investors! Besides, a large chunk of these tax dollars used to pay Big Pharma will end up going back to the democrats in campaign contributions!

  8. Governed by politics. Our founders and framers hated politics, and central banks. Boy are we a disappointment. They had two and junked them both. What did we do..? We bent over. That’s what we did.

  9. They said you’re screwing over future generations, and will lose the very land you posses. It’s plain and simple robbery by definition while under candles light, flintlock, horse shit in the streets, and the average age of 35.

  10. When are Americans going to come to terms with the simple fact that they are being “used” by their own making from generations back to today, and reinforcing it in their child and then some now with television promoting penis croquet lessons, not the American flag, but the fag flag..?

    Cops now have to be careful about how they simply talk to someone they pulled over about their pronouns..?

  11. I have a dear friend who is an insulin dependent diabetic. When the Trumpster was still in office, he had a very small co-pay for a fast acting insulin when his blood sugar levels went high. He recently showed me a letter he got from his insurance company saying they would no longer cover that type of insulin, so he would have to pay out of pocket for it. But, & this is not a joke, it will cost him almost $1,000 dollars for a 30 day supply. Who in the hell could afford this? There are many types of insulin, but this one works best for him. I guaran-damntee that if it were Biden or one of his miscreant family, they would not be affected one iota.


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