The real targets of lefty street thugs like BLM and Antifa – IOTW Report

The real targets of lefty street thugs like BLM and Antifa

American Thinker-

By Thomas Lifson

There are a lot of seeming contradictions in the street violence widely employed by the left.  Rioters destroy their own neighborhoods.  Look at Detroit, where the riots that started in 1967 have now devastated what was once one of the richest cities in the United States.  Rioters in Portland attack the federal courthouse, the bailiwick of the Department of Justice, which has become a virtual tool of the left — keeping dozens of January 6 demonstrators in solitary confinements as hordes of left-wing rioters are not prosecuted or even cut free after being arrested.

This raises the question: why are they turning against their own?

Lee Smith, a brilliant political commentator, has a satisfying answer in Tablet.  It is short, so I recommend you read the whole thing, but here is the core of his explanation:

The Democratic Party has had a problem. It’s a small, incoherent, and privileged clique funded by billionaire oligarchs to push policies that even mainstream Democratic voters oppose. How to bridge the gap? The solution they chose, which party officials made clear this week, was simple: the way third-world elites always do — by using street violence to keep their clients in line.

This week, pro-Palestinian demonstrators auditioned for the chance to join already established Democratic Party militias antifa and Black Lives Matter by attacking Jews in New York and Los Angeles. Apologists for the violence reason that the demonstrators are angry about the deaths of innocent Palestinian babies under Israeli fire in Gaza so they’re taking their frustrations — admittedly misplaced! — out on American Jews.

We conservatives, the putative enemies of the left, are not the target.  The real targets are their wavering allies, who get the message that failure to support them will come at the cost of violence. more here

4 Comments on The real targets of lefty street thugs like BLM and Antifa

  1. Do you really think the average antifa or blm thug believes this? Have you seen the mugshots? Some people just love the power they have over others. Did the bully in your neighborhood go to another neighborhood to pick on the weak?

  2. Lifson could have written this about the early Soviet era, Lenin v. Trotsky, and other seemingly pre-historic political drama. Eventually, they eat their own; the hope is none survive.

  3. Their fury is derived from envy and that makes them an easy mark for the unscrupulous to motivate them to direct their resentment toward anybody and everybody on the planet. Visit their blogs and websites, not for those with a weak stomach, and you can witness how everything is geared toward taking the most base and destructive of sinful thought and behavior that stems from it twisting it and inculcating a sense of envy being a virtue.

    This makes anyone a potential target. They feel deprived of something they deserve and others unjustly posses. At the end of the day what they are seeking is joy. This is something that eludes them primarily due to their own wicked and evil ways.

    Since they flat out reject Christianity as an end in itself and only recognize Christianity as a tool to use in advancing their political agenda, they miss the whole point. Then feel further resentment when the joy they were promised does not materialize.


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