MI Sec. of State Candidate Visits Arizona Audit: “If you are a Person Who Cares About Election Reform, and You Don’t Come Out, I have to Question That.” – IOTW Report

MI Sec. of State Candidate Visits Arizona Audit: “If you are a Person Who Cares About Election Reform, and You Don’t Come Out, I have to Question That.”

Gateway Pundit: On Friday, delegations from FIVE states, including Utah, Oklahoma, Michigan, Washington, and Georgia, toured the outstandingly performed election audit in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Kristina Karamo, a Republican candidate for Michigan Secretary of State came out to see this process firsthand as she prepares to make Michigan’s elections safe again. more here

3 Comments on MI Sec. of State Candidate Visits Arizona Audit: “If you are a Person Who Cares About Election Reform, and You Don’t Come Out, I have to Question That.”

  1. Guys, seriously. This is all kabuki theater. You don’t actually think these people are going to find anything, do you?. All this is is an attempt to get you to get back on board with having confidence in the voting system. The people who stole the election have had ample time to cover up the evidence. But they need you to have confidence in the popularity contest, so they can continue to extract the wealth of the people. The continuation of the status quo. The fox is in the hen house.

  2. Oh yeah the fake election was stolen. Well anyway, he tried to steal it again, but the other party was keen to his tricks, caught him red handed. Never to hold office again. Humpty dumpty fell.

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