AOC should probably STFU – IOTW Report

AOC should probably STFU

AOC should probably stop mentioning her family. ANOTHER self own. This time her AUNT blows her up.
Read about it at News Thud:

17 Comments on AOC should probably STFU

  1. The thing is, certain Lefties have learned that their success is tied to their absolute bullheadedness. AOC, the rest of The Squad, Cuomo, Northam, Biden (Hunter) – they are all atrocious, but by completely ignoring the backlash they have become successful. And the Leftist media won’t even report on the negative side of their antics. They won’t change until at least some of them start losing their jobs.

  2. AOC doesn’t have a family. She has a familia. Made up of her mamá, padre, abuela, tio, tia, and she’d like you to know they are all Latin. But not Latin as spoken in English, you HAVE to say it with a thick spanish accent.

    And I want to punch her in the face.

  3. Umm, yeah. How is it possible that the area has still not recovered after 4 years? If I have a problem with my house, they either get fixed within a couple of days, or they aren’t worth fixing, and the gubmint doesn’t get involved, except maybe to cause problems and to make sure I, or contractors, make sure things are “acceptable”.

    What was it President Reagan said? Something like the worst words you will hear are I am from the gubmint and I am here to help.

  4. it is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

    … which just goes to show how many Damn Fools there are out there that will vote for this Stunt-Kunt!

  5. What are the three most important characteristics of a politician?

    and Audacity.
    (stolen from Bonaparte)
    “In politics, an absurdity is not a handicap.”

    And Sandy O’Cortez is certainly an absurdity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I was stationed there for 3 years. There’s the US Military, Bacardi, and tourism…oh yeah and welfare and disabled vets who dance the night away in the military clubs and golf during the day at the military golf courses. Clearly not disabled.

  7. Quotation check:

    L’audace, l’audace, toujours l’audace.

    Not Bonaparte, nor Frederick the Great, but rather French revolutionary Georges Jacques Danton.

    @Tim — Great quotation. Who said it doesn’t matter here, but for historical accuracy it was Danton.


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