Are Fathers Necessary? – IOTW Report

Are Fathers Necessary?

Until recently, the need to explain why fathers are necessary would have been regarded as, well, unnecessary. But that’s not the case anymore. In this new video from Prager University, Dennis Prager explains why this isn’t just concerning—it’s dangerous.

16 Comments on Are Fathers Necessary?

  1. Heck yeah, fathers are necessary, just ask my 3 kids and grandkids, 4 granddaughters and a grandson to be born in about 3 months. Yes, we are necessary, my kids wouldn’t be who they are without me or my wife and they know it. I had a good dad, he was not always perfect but he along with my mom raised 4 good men and we’re all grateful for it.

  2. My vote is YES on this question, of course. Duh

    Don’t be stupid.

    It’s the New York times that isn’t needed.

    I’d argue, the world would be a much, much better place if it was deep-sixed, erased from the history books, and never mentioned again.

    Prager is always so right, YouTube tyrants can’t stand his channel.

  3. It would be good to know who among the authors of those anti-father articles grew up without a father. I find that most of the time the people who take these unconventional positions are trying to convince others of their own deficient circumstances.

    My parents divorced when I was 11 and I was close to my dad so it was a real hardship for me. He remarried and started a second family, so became less and less available and it was awkward. But I had an instinctual knack for recruiting “father figures” throughout the rest of my teens, twenties and even into my thirties. As I grew older I realized that a good fatherly friend like a boss or father-in-law had the sort of wisdom a “daughter” needs.

    I do wish that we would stop lauding the idea of “single mom” so much. I sometimes wonder if by doing that we, as a society, make it easier for families to break up over things that, with some effort, could be resolved or at least bear up to problems for the sake of children having both parents there. Obviously I’m not talking about abuse or chronic infidelity.

  4. A man by himself is a terrible sad experience. A woman by herself ditto. A man and a woman together FIREWORKS!!!!

    Put that in your transgenderism computer and smoke it.

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