Hey! Where’s everybody at??? – IOTW Report

Hey! Where’s everybody at???

23 Comments on Hey! Where’s everybody at???

  1. The post title reminds of an old Aggie joke.
    Aggie on UT campus:
    “Excuse me, can you tell me where the library is at?”

    UT prick:
    “At University of Texas we don’t end our sentences with a preposition.”

    “Excuse me, can you tell me where the library is at asshole?”

  2. Re: “See if you all can spot yourselves”

    I apologize in advance but I am who I am.

    I am definitely No Where Near Uranus, or anyone elses.

  3. The first link is nothing more than a commie propaganda site dressed up with a few fancy graphics. “Save the whales, don’t eat fish, go vegan, ban the Olympics, the earth is going through a mass extinction event, global warming, mankind is bad, follow this link to the commie BBC for your further reading (brainwashing) pleasure.” Give me a break.

  4. OT, everyone gets a break from me today, I’m about to get surgery, so enjoy your Super free day.

    Any spare prayers anyone has laying around would be greatly appreciated…

  5. SNS; best of outcomes – I’m 3 weeks out of major shoulder repair (primary hand,, of course0; the surgery was easy; recovery has been a stone-cold bitch.
    6 weeks immobile; except for PT, which gets easier after wk.3.
    I won’t even go into learning to use the other hand for everything.


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