Stanford Study: Most Mass Shooters Have Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illnesses – IOTW Report

Stanford Study: Most Mass Shooters Have Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illnesses

Summit News:

Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine have published a study that reveals most of the perpetrators of mass shootings in America are people with undiagnosed psychiatric disorders.

The study focused on 115 assailants of shootings committed between 1982 and 2019, and then narrowed that number down to ones who survived.

“We found that most mass shooters in our study experienced undiagnosed and unmedicated psychiatric illness,” the researchers noted.

Describing the findings as “striking,” the study notes that symptoms of clinical psychiatric disorders were identified in almost all the shooters, 32 out of 35. MORE

20 Comments on Stanford Study: Most Mass Shooters Have Undiagnosed Psychiatric Illnesses

  1. Who is gonna diagnose them?

    The worthless sacks of shit who call themselves “psychiatrists” and “psychologists” in this country think people who consider themselves to be the opposite sex as “sane” and a bunch of them sat on their asses when one of their colleagues flat out stated he was a Jihadi and a military conference and said nothing.

    There is no such thing as any kind of sane, rational psychotherapy going on anywhere in the US now. The field literally exists to push psychotropics on normal people for profit while making them crazy via gaslighting.

  2. Psychiatry is pseudo-science. There isn’t even a test for alleged chemical imbalances. Check out the reporting of Jon Rappoport at blogDOTnomorefakenewsDOTcom

  3. If memory serves, some of those High School shooters were diagnosed, were on meds, and their symptoms were ignored by their “doctors,” teachers, LE, “parents,” and friends.

    So – what’s the point?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. All mass shooters are demented suicidal copycat liberals who have decided to end their miserable liberal lives but because they are liberal means they are sociopaths which means they decided to go out with a show that helps their communist cause of destroying the second amendment. They did not kill while they were struggling to stay alive because they feared prison.Their fear of prison evaporated the moment they decided to end their lives and make a huge statement in the process.

  5. @Tim: “If memory serves, some of those High School shooters were diagnosed, were on meds, and their symptoms were ignored…”

    They said “most” were undiagnosed. That means the rest were diagnosed as having a mental health problem.

  6. “They said “most” were undiagnosed. That means the rest were diagnosed as having a mental health problem.”

    Define “most.” 51%? 50.0009%?
    Pretends to be a “scientific” study – or at least “medical.”
    “Most” is bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Two ways to look at it depending on your political perspective.

    Conservatives: See, it’s crazy people doing it (what we have been saying for decades).

    Liberals: Sure, all conservatives are crazy.

    The media will take up the cudgels for the liberals.

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