Dr. ‘Science’ Whines To Hillary Jr. About How Mean Everyone Is To Him – IOTW Report

Dr. ‘Science’ Whines To Hillary Jr. About How Mean Everyone Is To Him

DefConNews: Quick, someone call the Waaahmbulance.

Now that he has been exposed as just another dishonest Washington bureaucrat, Dr. Anthony Fauci is lashing out at his critics in a blitzkrieg of appearances on leftist media outlets.

Fauci’s hypocrisy and flat-out lying were exposed when he was smoked out by Senator Rand Paul during testimony about the COVID when the Kentucky Republican hammered him over his support of dangerous “gain of function research” at the Chinese lab that the virus may have escaped from.

The squirming Fauci who hadn’t faced any adversarial questioning was less than honest about his involvement with money sent through a third party to the Wuhan Institute Of Virology, resulting in Paul accusing him of perjury.

With Fauci’s false image taking a major hit as even the media was forced to admit the possibility that the virus didn’t originate from a bat in a “wet market” he was further battered by the release of over 3,000 pages of his emails, many confirming that he is far from the figure that he has been portrayed as.

For what he lacks in honesty, Fauci more than makes up for in public relations savviness, and he quickly played the victim card, and in an interview with former first daughter Chelsea Clinton, he whined about how mean that people are being to him. more

PS: Republicans introduce bill calling for Dr. Anthony Fauci’s firing.

13 Comments on Dr. ‘Science’ Whines To Hillary Jr. About How Mean Everyone Is To Him

  1. Her mom had a seizure on 9/11/16, was hauled off to Chelsea’s condo to hide, and they all called it “pneumonia”. They’re still calling it pneumonia to this day.

    Chelsea Clinton is the perfect person for Fauci to run and cry with: two lying, mediocre “Public Health” frauds in a pod.

  2. It is Human Nature to be defensive. It takes a better person to admit they were wrong. However, when you have been a lying scumbag for decades, where could you start to be a honest person? It’s probably easier to just keep lying & denying than to step up and come clean.

  3. Fauci to Chelsea Clinton: The “phenomenal amount of hostility” I face is “astounding”

    Trump faced 20X the hostility and was able to maintain his manhood. I’m gonna go make some popcorn now.

  4. Interviewed by Chelsea Clinton?? Is she working again? Came out of retirement just to interview this little cretin? I guess that high-paid gig at the Clinton Global Whatever didn’t pan out.

  5. TonyR, she “co-wrote” a book on pUbLiC hEaLTh with some Indian gal, and then she and mom wrote a children’s book about “gutsy women” or something. Given Hunter Biden’s lucrative new art career, I expect she’ll take up painting soon.

  6. He got well paid for his treason.

    But when you consult Chelsea Clinton, you know you’re desperate.

    Fauci betrayed our country and got rich doing it. Now he wants to avoid the wrath of our country.


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