Declassified Biden Admin Report Listed ‘Extremist’ Pro-Life Groups as National Security Threat – IOTW Report

Declassified Biden Admin Report Listed ‘Extremist’ Pro-Life Groups as National Security Threat

Western Journal- One of the left’s favorite political tactics is the false moral equivalency: treating the mistakes of one group the same as the mistaken aims of another — or the evil done by one group the same as the evil aims of another.

The Biden administration happens to be full of leftists, and a declassified report from the director of national intelligence shows the false moral equivalency in action.

In the report, made public in March, the office of the DNI provides its assessment of the most concerning domestic threats to national security. more here

9 Comments on Declassified Biden Admin Report Listed ‘Extremist’ Pro-Life Groups as National Security Threat

  1. The ODNI Telling me that pro-life “extremists” pose a threat similar as that from the likes of antifa and blm could be taken as an insult to my intelligence.

    It isn’t one, though, because the assertion comes from someone without standing: I have to respect the someone’s judgment in order to be insulted. If I don’t respect you, your opinion is of no value or interest to me.

  2. At least Ilhan Omar likened USA and Israel to Hamas and Taliban, therefore acknowledging how evil the latter pair are in a feeble attempt to smear USA and Israel. FBI makes ridiculous claims about ‘white extremists, religious right-to-life extremists’ with zero data, while ignoring the murders and destruction actually caused by the leftists.

  3. For Christ’s sake, it should be obvious to anyone who is paying attention, the entre Biden Administration, individually and collectively, is a National Security Threat.

  4. The sheriff of Nuttingham. They’re probably searching all the files to find a white ‘right wing’ nut job to wind him up and provide material support then set him loose to do a dirty deed.
    What a disgusting bunch of filth. Communist Nazi mix.

  5. I must be considered to be an extremist since I rescued with Operation Rescue in the mid 90’s and almost was arrested along with many other good Christian fellow rescuers but let off with a warning and a fine which God miraculously provided the money to pay the fine with later. And I’d gladly do it again, extremist label or not. The left and their progressive ilk are the real extremists and not people like me who believe in God and that abortion is murder. I’d much rather be right in the eyes of God than in the eyes of man.


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