Why Big Business Is Helping the Regime – IOTW Report

Why Big Business Is Helping the Regime


Policymakers know they hold immense power to regulate and punish firms that don’t play ball. Industry leaders know this too. So it’s likely both sides will indeed end up “playing ball.” 

The Democrats in Congress want comprehensive regulation of social media which will ultimately allow regime regulators to decide what is and what is not “disinformation.” This has become very clear as Congress has held a series of Congressional hearings designed to pressure tech leaders into doing even more to silence critics of the regime and its preferred center-left narratives.

Back in February, for instance, Glen Greenwald reported:

For the third time in less than five months, the U.S. Congress has summoned the CEOs of social media companies to appear before them, with the explicit intent to pressure and coerce them to censor more content from their platforms.

9 Comments on Why Big Business Is Helping the Regime

  1. The objective is to consolidate power.

    I posted that back ~ March of 2020. Big business budgets a certain amount to be siphoned off by government. Government knows this and does big business’s bidding.

    You cannot herd cats and small businesses are like the aforementioned cats.

  2. I only partially agree with their reasons.
    They are comparable to the head of the Joint Chief’s they’re believers and that’s why the nation is in such deep trouble.


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