Ohio Senate candidate Jane Timken Website Appeared to Falsely Claim Trump Endorsement – IOTW Report

Ohio Senate candidate Jane Timken Website Appeared to Falsely Claim Trump Endorsement

Trump camp is NOT happy. Why? Because:

“Jane Timken turned her back on President Trump the moment she decided to praise Anthony Gonzales for standing with radical Democrats to impeach him in January,” the senior adviser, who requested anonymity to speak freely, told Breitbart News. “Then when she was rightly criticized for that, she immediately flip flopped and pretended like she never said what she said.”


Ohio Senate candidate Jane Timken had a photograph on her website’s “endorsements” page of her with former President Donald Trump, something an aide for the former president told Breitbart News displeases his team.

The photograph, which first received public attention from Timken’s website on Friday, made it appear as though she was claiming Trump’s endorsement — which she does not have. After a number of the other GOP campaigns for U.S. Senate in Ohio flagged it to Trump and his inner circle on Friday morning, Timken removed the photograph from her website. more

4 Comments on Ohio Senate candidate Jane Timken Website Appeared to Falsely Claim Trump Endorsement

  1. Trump and his helpers can filter and vet these candidates then endorse them. His loyal voters will follow, I think it is too much for the average voter who works long hours takes care of their family and home to study all the candidates out. Donald has proven his loyalty to America and is trusted, he will be followed.

  2. The GOPers and Nevertrumps are going to do whatever it takes to to stop a Trump wave in 2022. If it means lying about their Nevertrump past, putting up sacrificial fake or damaged Trump supporters to lose primaries against RINO incumbents, crowding the primary field to dilute opposition to threatened RINOs, enlisting Democrat support to commit voter fraud against RINOS or outright backing of Democrats against Trump candidates, it will be done. That, and more There is an existential threat to the Uniparty, and nothing is off the table. And as a reminder, all forms of voter fraud used in 2020 are currently still in play.


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