Black Father Rips Critical Race Theory: ‘How Do I Have Two Medical Degrees if I’m Sitting Here Oppressed?” – IOTW Report

Black Father Rips Critical Race Theory: ‘How Do I Have Two Medical Degrees if I’m Sitting Here Oppressed?”


A black father ripped Critical Race Theory (CRT) at a local school board meeting in Illinois, asserting the Marxist ideology deliberately seeks to teach children “to hate each other.”

“How do I have two medical degrees if I’m sitting here oppressed?” asked Ty Smith, in video obtained by Fox News.

Smith, who also hosts Cancel This with Ty Smith on FM talk station Cities 92.9, told a packed board meeting about his own personal situation:

Two medical degrees. No mom, no dad in the house. Worked my way through college, sat there and hustled my butt off to get through college. You going to tell me somebody look like all y’all white folks kept me from doing it? Are you serious? Not one white person ever came to me and said, “Well son, you’re never gonna be able to get nowhere because, you know, the black people,” but guess what? What’s sickening about this whole thing is what y’all doing right now is already something I do in my community right now, to speak out against [this stuff] because black folks are getting told by other black folks, “Oh, you know you ain’t going to be able to do nothing out there in the world because them white folks ain’t going to let you get no … the white man, the white man gonna keep you down.”


15 Comments on Black Father Rips Critical Race Theory: ‘How Do I Have Two Medical Degrees if I’m Sitting Here Oppressed?”

  1. 10,000 Thumbs up!
    He said everything that needed to be said except he should have clearly stated where CRT comes from – communist, marxist ideology – where they are trying to tear the country down by race division since they can’t do it by class division. Anybody that follows CRT is a modern day “useful idiot”!

  2. black people are pissed at the white mans culture precisely because its all about improving oneself and not waiting for uncle sam to do it for you.
    they want it handed to them and when it isn’t you are being racist.

  3. Last few weeks I’ve been reading much of what Thomas Sowell has written. Turns 91 the end of the month and when he passes it will be a sad day for all.

    Has been trashing the the democratic/liberal ideology for more than fifty years. Want to read or get the talking points to deflate or show it as nonsense spend the time to read some of his many books/essays. Not all on race as his background is economics…

  4. I can’t see twitter vids on this computer’s OS, but I’m guessing most of the people he was talking to were white, right? Idiots. Not even useful idiots. Progressives are just a bunch of losers who think they can improve their karma with good deeds — like making posters and being “courageous” with their up-twinkles.

    They’re stupid, too. They should have gone straight to a race war instead of goofing around with a class war (“Occupy”. Don’t any of them read?!

  5. AbigailAdams, agreed. The bunch sitting stone faced behind him seemed like the kind in favor of CRT – Progressive snobs and yes, white.

    However, this awesome man did have a cheering section mostly off camera. A variety of people groups in that community probably support him.

    BTW, brave patriots like this father need our prayers. Particularly, prayers of protection for him and his family.

  6. He overcame obstacles and that is what successful people do. God helps people like him.

    Success doesn’t come from listening to Marxists yelling slogans and telling people how miserable things are.


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