Japan: Buddhist Temple Covers Goddess Statue with 77-Pound Mask – IOTW Report

Japan: Buddhist Temple Covers Goddess Statue with 77-Pound Mask

Breitbart- Municipal workers in the Japanese city of Aizuwakamatsu hoisted a 77-pound mask onto the face of a giant Buddhist goddess statue on Tuesday as part of a prayer by the local Buddhist temple asking for an end to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, Reuters reported on Thursday.

“It took four workers three hours to carry the massive mask on ropes up the 57 m[eter]-high (187 ft) white statue of the Buddhist goddess Kannon — the Goddess of Mercy — at the Houkokuji Aizu Betsuin temple in Fukushima Prefecture,” according to Reuters. more here

13 Comments on Japan: Buddhist Temple Covers Goddess Statue with 77-Pound Mask

  1. I spent time in Japan decades ago and it’s a fascinating place but they tend to do some flaky things.
    Masks aren’t an unusual sight there. Even back then it was common to see people wearing masks everywhere in public especially winter.
    It wasn’t hard to figure out who had a cold so you could steer clear!


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