Hundreds of Citizens Deliver Over 7,000 Affidavits Claiming Election Fraud to Michigan Officials – IOTW Report

Hundreds of Citizens Deliver Over 7,000 Affidavits Claiming Election Fraud to Michigan Officials

Western Journal:

It looks like calls for investigating the 2020 election won’t end anytime soon.

For the state of Michigan, things are starting to get interesting.

On Thursday, residents championed election integrity efforts by delivering more than 7,000 signed affidavits alleging voter fraud to state officials and demanding a forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election, according to reports. MORE

5 Comments on Hundreds of Citizens Deliver Over 7,000 Affidavits Claiming Election Fraud to Michigan Officials

  1. I keep reading about the audits, and I think it is great. It is showing the true colors of the dirty dem machine and the alphabet agencies in the government.

    But if people don’t start going to jail over it, nothing will change. It is time to start punishing people for what they are doing to destroy this country.

  2. And that lousy cunt, Benson refused to sign the delivery receipt.
    So it will be “I don’t know what you are talking about. I never saw any opposition to our totally free and fair elections”
    *Poof* goes the signed statements so no audit.
    The 3 bitches weren’t made Michigan’s trifecta of evil for nothing, don’tcha know.


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