Will not comply – IOTW Report

Will not comply

Let’s Nullify All Gun Control.
All gun control is illegal. Missouri shows us the way. Let’s bury it like the bad memory of jim crow that it is.

See also: Newark Unveils Statue of Fentanyl Floyd, For No Reason.

8 Comments on Will not comply

  1. Newark is the armpit of the USA.
    George Floyd is the death pit of a civilized nation.
    Drove stoned off his ass, and I do mean that since he shoved drugs up every orifice the rat bastard could find.
    Passed a fake 20, likely had Breonna Taylor on it instead of Andrew Jackson.
    Robbed a pregnant woman and stuck a gun in her gut.
    Personally I think officer Chauvin’s knee should be bronzed.
    Face it, he likely saved a bunch of innocent black folks lives.

    Missouri STILL impounded the lawyer’s guns that fought off the blm faggot mob.

  2. It is going to take a TRUE Great Awakening (not a “Q” awakening) to save this country.

    (comment in quotes is taken from a Christian website explaining a Christian Revival – not my words)

    We the people need a “…spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer. It encompasses the resurfacing of a love for God, an appreciation of God’s holiness, a passion for His Word and His church, a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness. Revival invigorates and sometimes deepens a believer’s faith, opening his or her eyes to the truth in a fresh, new way. It generally involves the connotation of a fresh start with a clean slate, marking a new beginning of a life lived in obedience to God. Revival breaks the charm and power of the world, which blinds the eyes of men, and generates both the will and power to live in the world but not of the world…”

    No violent rebellion or “insurrection” will be successful. The change needs to come from within.

  3. Don’t take down all of MO because a rotten, scummy cunt DA in St Louis took McClosky’s weapons. It really is a great state. In the southern part, where my place in n AR is just across the state line, it is solid, and I mean SOLID conservative. It’s in the Ozarks as well and gorgeous. Just took a long bike ride into MO this morning.

    Urban shitholes like St Louis are gonna be urban shitholes, no getting around that.

  4. Anonymous; check out some history & it will show you there’s no end to wannabe dictators.
    Or just take a look at all the current democrat mayors & governors.


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