Greece Deports Nearly Twice as Many Migrants as Arrived in First 5 Months of 2021 – IOTW Report

Greece Deports Nearly Twice as Many Migrants as Arrived in First 5 Months of 2021


In the first five months of 2021, the Greek government claims it has removed nearly twice as many migrants then have arrived illegally in the country.

The conservative Greek government continues to reduce the number of migrants living on the Aegean islands, with the number being reduced by 71 per cent compared to last year, while arrivals have also declined compared to previous years.

According to the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum, 4,951 migrants were removed in the first five months of this year, some deported to third countries and others redistributed to other European Union member-states, newspaper Proto Thema reports.

During the same period, Greece saw just 2,891 new migrant arrivals on the Agean islands and in the Evros region — Greece’s land border with Turkey — representing a reduction of 68 per cent compared to the same period in 2020, which saw 9,421 new arrivals.

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