UK: The secret of Muslim racism toward black people – IOTW Report

UK: The secret of Muslim racism toward black people

Jihad Watch:

Muhammad was a prolific slave trader and owner. This is common knowledge. Islam was built and spread on the backs of castrated black slaves, as per Muhammad’s example and instruction. Blacks truly did build the Arab world. If anyone ever owed anyone anything, Islam owes black people reparations that might possibly bankrupt their nations and states. “The Arabs have raided sub-Saharan Africa for thirteen centuries without interruption. Most of the men they deported have disappeared, due to their inhuman treatments. This painful page of the history of Black people does not seem to have been completely ended.” Black Lives Matter and the world at large focus on the trans-Atlantic slave trade whilst ignoring the Arab enslavement of black people, a movement which has gone on for much longer, was begun much earlier, and which continues to this day.

There is a contemporary Islamic racism towards blacks that continues in the UK, which the media outlets refuse to cover, and which the government and BLM choose to ignore. People bring their cultural practices with them to the UK, and they continue their cultural habits when they’re here. In Pakistan, racism towards the Sheedi community is normalised. The Sheedis there complain of “colourism, racism and prejudice from mainstream Pakistani society” on a daily basis. Historically, the Sheedis are slaves that have been brought to South Asia by Arab slave traders. They are the Pakistani equivalent of African Americans in the States, although in Pakistan these black men, women and children are stigmatised and held back at every social, educational and economic level, while blacks in the States are not. The Sheedis are considered ignorant, wild and criminal. Sheedis are forced to live in slums, and are frequently illiterate and impoverished. Education is the key to rising out of their poverty, but they report that even when they go to school, they are bullied and ridiculed by pupils and staff alike: “Most young people from our community are bullied and ridiculed in school, not just by their peers, but teachers as well, who tell them they are good for nothing.” more here

14 Comments on UK: The secret of Muslim racism toward black people

  1. We need to figure out how to make this much less of a secret.
    We need to promote the Leftists fighting against other Leftists.
    That requires ever more exposure of the HYPOCRACY inherent with the Left.
    I do believe the Hispanics might be catching on.

  2. Not a Secret.

    Unwritten Hierarchy?
    1) Arab 20% – Control Mecca & thus the religion
    2) Other Muslims
    3) Converts

    Catholics were no different. Rome, Roman Popes Until JPII, and now this Asshole.

  3. IDK if it says black eunuchs but it does mention eunuchs and also black slaves. I’m pretty sure it refers to at least one eunuck being dark but don’t recall the exact words for searching

  4. “White People(democrats) didn’t run wily-nily all over Africa capturing Slaves,

    the average Life Span for a White Person in Africa was two Weeks, Disease killed

    Them off, They purchased Them”

    Dr. Thomas Sowell

    (Going off of memory from “Black Rednecks/White Liberals)

  5. BLM ignores the role of Islam in slave traffic because the Arabs can’t/won’t be guilted out. Hell, they’re doing it now.

    You think they’re paying market clearing wages for the skyscrapers and islands they’re cranking out??? HAHAHAHA

    The laborers from Pakistan and Africa are housed in close to concentration camp standards. And there are slave markets as well. It’s a whole ‘nother world over there and BLM won’t have anything to do with it with there’s such easy pickings here.

  6. Don’t forget how the female slaves were treated in Islam – basically any Muslim could have his way with those his right hand possessed (i.e., sex with female slaves, just like their hero Muhammed did).

  7. That’s right DAVID W.
    The blond and red headed women
    were highly sought after and commanded
    high price.Blue eyed womwn too. All
    the A-rab babes had the ‘dark forest’.

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