SCALP: Daszak Recused From COVID Commission After National Pulse Exposés – IOTW Report

SCALP: Daszak Recused From COVID Commission After National Pulse Exposés

National Pulse-
The webpage for the Lancet’s Commission now reads: “recused from Commission work on the origins of the pandemic” under Daszak’s entry.

Daszak is a critical Fauci confidant and ally.

In early February, The National Pulse highlighted how Daszak had collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology – believed by many including former Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield to be the source of COVID-19 – for nearly two decades. more here

4 Comments on SCALP: Daszak Recused From COVID Commission After National Pulse Exposés

  1. Lot’s of (big) fancy yachts being built and sold in the last couple of years. Looks like the rats are preparing to set sail; which will be the only safe place for them when their SHTF.

  2. Dan
    Are you too young to have watched THE NATURAL? Bob could both pitch and hit! Has many talents; as he has told us over and over the last 50 years. He is also “very smart”; just ask him!


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