Biden Will Leave 650 Troops in Afghanistan as Taliban Double Their Territory Since His Withdrawal Announcement – IOTW Report

Biden Will Leave 650 Troops in Afghanistan as Taliban Double Their Territory Since His Withdrawal Announcement


The Afghanistan withdrawal is underway. It’s all a matter of how you define “withdrawal”.

Biden declared that, “it’s time to end the forever war” and that “it’s time for American troops to come home.” 

“While we will not stay involved in Afghanistan militarily, our diplomatic and humanitarian work will continue.  We’ll continue to support the government of Afghanistan.  We will keep providing assistance to the Afghan National Defenses and Security Forces,” Biden said in his big speech.

It’s official now. Withdrawing means downsizing. The forever war is over and continues. It’s time for American troops to come home, except for those who don’t. We’ll have 650 soldiers in Afghanistan, but they won’t be involved military. more

11 Comments on Biden Will Leave 650 Troops in Afghanistan as Taliban Double Their Territory Since His Withdrawal Announcement

  1. How’d ya’ like to win THAT lottery!? 😮

    Be one of the LUCKY 650, stay behind, and win the Biden Silver double-chicken medal.

    AND a Purple Heart. And an angel flight, to your final resting place. 😡

  2. We didn’t learn anything when we cut and ran from Vietnam and left our South Vietnamese allies to be taken over by the N. Vietnamese commies in 1975. So now it’s the Afghans and our 650 left behind advisors who will be hosed by the Taliban. Get all of our troops and all the friendlies the hell out of Ashcanistan now and let them fight their own damn war and let the chinks try their hand next at getting their ass kicked. The Brits couldn’t do it, nor the Russians and now us, let’s get the hell out of that God forsaken hellhole, the downfall of empires.

  3. Let’s see … Bradley Manning, that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs guy, Bowe Bergdahl, that war hero Blumenthal, that other Rambo – John Kerry … I’m sure we could come up with a list of 650 …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’ll bet those 650 troops are just thrilled that their numbers, and potentially how many taliban types needed to overrun them, being broadcast on the nightly news.

  5. Perfect name for their last base camp: Camp Saigon.

    So, get them outta there before they are overrun and trying to hang on to the skids of the last helicopter out.

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