ARIZONA Audit is Completed – IOTW Report

ARIZONA Audit is Completed

Comments and some detail from Julie Greene.
Preliminary report expected Monday.

13 Comments on ARIZONA Audit is Completed

  1. Just for the record Garland you little hook nosed pantywaist, they meant what they said about what would happen with any interference from you! Go ahead and try your luck!

  2. could the next false flag be the nuke strike the buffoon threatened us with?

    I wouldnt put it past him to nuke a conservative city in Fl or Tx to distract from the massive theft and their coup conspiracy.

  3. Charlie WalksonWater – could the next false flag be the nuke strike the buffoon threatened us with?

    An interesting comment – interesting because with all the lying, cheating and all the over-the-top arm-twisting of the American people to believe that:
    a) Biden won
    b) Russian Collusion was real
    c) Systemic Racism exists
    d) Nazis, Klansmen and White Supremacist are around every corner
    e) Xenophobia, Homophobia And Bigotry are Conservative ideals
    f) 57 genders (seriously bitch???)
    g) Multiple Pronoun horse shit
    h) Coronavirus Claims/fears
    i) and so on and so forth…

    The point is if something does happen, regardless of who did it, who wouldn’t believe that these Communists aren’t capable of such atrocities and who would believe them if they denied it???

  4. I hope I’m wrong but, aren’t the only votes that mean anything from the Electoral College? Even if all the states were proven to have fraudulent votes that changed the outcome in favor of that POS, aren’t the ‘electors’ in most states allowed to vote as they wish regardless of how the state’s votes went (faithless electors)? After the Senate confirmed the electoral votes, wasn’t it a done deal?

  5. Voter fraud is treason.
    It undermines the Republic.
    If proven beyond a shadow of a doubt we may see the Courts and the Armed Forces attempt to live up to their oaths of office and arrest and execute the traitors.
    Big stretch, considering that most of the Courts and ALL the higher-ranking officers in the Armed Forces are sleazy traitors, themselves.

    But hope springs eternal.

    izlamo delenda est …


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