Dems under Fire after Thousands of Cops Resign Amid Skyrocketing Crime Rates – IOTW Report

Dems under Fire after Thousands of Cops Resign Amid Skyrocketing Crime Rates

Neon Nettle- House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy denounced Democrats after thousands of police officers resigned from their departments amid a soaring crime wave.

The New York Times reported:

“New York City saw 2,600 officers retire in 2020 compared with 1,509 the year before.”

“Resignations in Seattle increased to 123 from 34 and retirements to 96 from 43. Minneapolis, which had 912 uniformed officers in May 2019, is now down to 699. At the same time, many cities are contending with a rise in shootings and homicides.”

The news comes after months of demonization by Democrats who pushed for “no more policing,” as homicide rates increased 30% last year and have increased 24 percent in 2021.
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14 Comments on Dems under Fire after Thousands of Cops Resign Amid Skyrocketing Crime Rates

  1. What’s going to fill the vacuum?

    “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

    Because no expense is too great when it comes to rooting out White Supremacist Domestic Terrorism.

    What’s the status of the National Guard and the Capitol Fence these days? The media has completely dropped that story.

  2. It’s one step of a greater plan.

    They can replace these officers with people loyal to the communist cause. People that will follow any order with no question. Create chaos to a degree that the people will accept anything to make it stop. Nothing new, it’s been done before.

    The retirements assist in the Cloward-Piven strategy too which was to overload the system with welfare recipients. The exponential increase in those on government assistance is happening but the retirements will accelerate the process. Pressure from those on the outside drawing benefits and pressure from those that retired from the inside that throw the actuarial tables dealing with retirement askew to the point of no return.

    I sympathize with the police officers resigning and retiring and I would probably do the same in their situation. Unfortunately it will hasten our demise if we don’t get out act together and quickly.

    We are dealing with an enemy that is evil beyond anything I could possibly have fathomed.

  3. It’s all part of the bigger plan of the socialist-democrat agenda, Cloward-Piven and Saul Alinsky’s Crisis Strategies.

    Create division between Rich and poor, Black and White, Police and its citizens, Democrat and Republicans, conservatives and liberals, Cities and Rural, Blacks and Asians, the educated and the uneducated.
    The divisions created and breaking the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down. Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown — providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change to transform the US.
    All the time with focus of their real objective, creating and encouraging violence through drafting poor people, racists, marxists, communists, and anarchists into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize these people en masse in an effort to overwhelm local, state and federal government agencies with a flood of demands, riots, looting and burning major cities beyond the capacity of those communities to meet.

    It certainly appears the Democrat socialists in Washington DC have successfully enacted, encouraged and funded the strategies of Marxists, Democrat Socialists and anarchists (BLM & Antifa). Through the Democrat Socialists Cloward-Piven and Saul Alinsky’s strategies are well on their way to fundamentally transforming the United States into a Socialist State.
    By tearing down what has been a Beacon of Light to the world, a new era of darkness and despair will be the result.

    The past methods of stopping such drastic revolutionary attempts of a government take in the past were the Soap Box, Ballot Box and the Cartridge Box.

    The soap box (freedom of speech to address grievances) has been attacked from all directions (MSM, Weaponized Federal Agencies, demonstrations, Fear mongering and Government Officials).

    As evident in the last election and many before, Democrat socialists corrupted the elections to gain Control and Power to further their attacks on the American people through run-away debt, inflation, shutting down businesses, choosing winners and losers in the stock market, increased taxes, funding non-democrat Nations, influx of millions of illegal immigrants, high unemployment, high crime and yes, Defunding Police around the Nation. Not only do these acts put pressure on Communities and individual families, it is meant to enlarge the disaffected to increase the army of revolutionaries to riot, burn and destroy the inner cities, the suburbs and other cities and communities.

    Has the soap box and election boxes been nullified to address grievances OR is this another conspiracy theory to be villainized?

  4. I admire the perceptive members of UOTW. The scales have been removed from your eyes.

    Every single action is part of a much bigger stategic plan…

    The death of our republic by a thousand cuts. They will drain the blood of liberty through lawfare, bio-warfare, weaponized governments, federal control/regulation of healthcare, voting,assembly, speech, gun ownership, personal safety, housing, personal finances, information and use of false flag attacks etc.

    Each attack on our constitution, our history, our laws, our morality, our ethics, our religion, our patriotism and our sovereignty has already been scripted and has currently been inacted.

    They will replace every patriotic LEO, Soldier, and Veteran first as we are the most likely to resist. It’s already happening and will only escalate from here,

    The currently operate in the tactical and operational realms but with the strategic aim of one world governing under Lucifer their master.

    They will most likely continue to move incrementally as they know us older farts will be removed from their path naturally and without significant cost to them. That is why and how the Kung Flu was invented.

    Then when the mRNA long term effects starts to turn on its hosts they will blackmail any resistance by withholding the therapeutics and antidotes until you give up your weapons and liberty.

    We are setting the stage for the end times, most of us will be gone but our children and grandchildren will become the persecuted.

    I apologize for the downer but as a high ranking former Soldier I have been trained all my life to understand an enemy and as Pogo once proclaimed the enemy is us.

  5. The crime increase can be easily solved by counselors{political cadre}!
    Misguided citizens {and illegals} need to be reasoned with, and sometimes just a hug.
    An enlightened community can dispense with thuggish armed goons!

  6. Yep, they’ll either let the police force diminish or they will replace the cops with a bunch of homos like the military is doing.

    Either way, people living in cities need to have a plan b.

  7. One other thing. There will be a great opportunity to create companies supplying private security. Ex cops will be in great demand for those jobs. Isn’t that they way they do it in third world banana republics like we’re being turned into?

  8. MUST READ, if you haven’t. I’ve passed my book around so many times, I forget who had it last. Exceptional read !

    Unintended Consequences
    by John Ross, Timothy Mullin (Foreword by)
    4.46 · Rating details · 656 ratings
    Unintended Consequences is a novel by John Ross, first published in 1996 by Accurate Press. The story chronicles the history of the gun culture, gun rights, and gun control in the United States from the early 1900s through the late 1990s. Although clearly a work of fiction, the story is heavily laced with historical information, including real-life historical figures who play minor supporting roles. The novel also features unusually detailed and intricate facts, figures and explanations of many firearms-related topics. The cover has a picture of Lady Justice being assaulted by an ATF agent.
    The book was listed by The New York Times’ Sunday Book Review as one of the most sought after out-of-print books of 2013.

  9. Their plan may be to replace the retiring/resigning police office with people supportive of the state. There is a problem with that plan:

    They aren’t going to like being shot at or knifed or attacked, either. And they are going to be more extreme in their response — and the downtrodden are really going to be pissed.


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