Arizona House Passes Bill Requiring Schools Share Stories From People Who Fled Communism – IOTW Report

Arizona House Passes Bill Requiring Schools Share Stories From People Who Fled Communism

Epoch Times-

The Republican-majority Arizona House on June 25 approved a bill that could mandate that school teachers share stories from people who fled communism as part of the curriculum.

The requirement is part of House Bill 2898 (pdf), which includes changes in laws governing K–12 education in the state. The language was inserted by Republican state Rep. Judy Burges, and states that the measure will prepare students to be “civically responsible and knowledgeable adults.”

Public schools would be required to teach “a comparative discussion of political ideologies, such as communism and totalitarianism, the conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy essential to the founding principles of the United States” among other changes, the bill’s text states.

Arizona’s Department of Education must also develop new civics education standards for school districts and charter schools to include, such as on the original intent of America’s Founding Documents and principles of the United States, including the expectation that U.S. citizens will be responsible for preserving and defending “the blessings of liberty inherited from prior generations and secured by the United States Constitution.” more here

9 Comments on Arizona House Passes Bill Requiring Schools Share Stories From People Who Fled Communism

  1. This is nothing more than a token. What’s needed is the blowup of the entire public education system. I wreaks of communism at every level. Teachers have no incentive to teach freedom-based ideas. They only have incentives to increase statism. When you live via forcing taxpayers to provide your living it can end in no other way.

  2. Many years ago I was on vacation in Omaha, Nebraska, when I had the opportunity to listen to a woman who had lived in the Ukraine as a young girl and had to endure occupations from both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. If I remember correctly, she said the Nazis treated her and her people better than the Communists (she was there when the Soviet Union forced famine on her part of the Ukraine).

  3. The Left will find a way to torpedo and/ or subvert this program. But having survivors of Communist totalitarianism tell schoolchildren their personal experiences should really bring into focus for people just how evil & corrosive Socialism really is.

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