Republicans, run for local office – IOTW Report

Republicans, run for local office



This is perhaps a very good idea. We need to start somewhere. Our nation is crumbling under progressive liberal insanity. This from

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Saturday urged his fellow Republicans to “take back” local government positions in order to “take back our culture.” 

Johnson made the remarks in a speech to Wisconsin’s state GOP convention, where his presence was met with applause and chants of “six more years,” The Capital Times reported. The senator bemoaned what he characterized as the Republican Party neglecting local offices in favor of federal positions.

“Take back our school boards, our county boards, our city councils. We will take back our culture. We don’t have to fear this anymore,” Johnson said, according to the Times. He advocated for “trickle-up elections.” more here

11 Comments on Republicans, run for local office

  1. “The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
    To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
    To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
    Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

  2. Will never happen in Florida capital where the local paper is the Tallahassee Democrat.
    No one can get elected in Tallahassee and Leon County without being democrat.

  3. Like TonyR said in the “Loincloth Larry” thread, the bad guys a bailing out of blue cities, and they’re bringing their pathologies to your small town. They’re running for sheriff, running for mayor, running for city council and running for school board. Before you know it your town will be remade in their woke image, and when you dare to protest their woke proclamations, the woke mayor and council will shut off your mic or have the woke sheriff arrest you.

    I am not a political animal, and it goes against my nature to join the scrum, but leftists live and breathe politics, and it may be necessary to deprive them of oxygen. Politically speaking, of course.

  4. I served on a local board for ten years and at the county level for 12. Terms limits in Nevada killed my political career. Thanks to redistricting, I have to run against people in Reno or Las Vegas if I wanted a seat in the legislature and both of those areas are controlled by Democrats. I’m outside the tent pissing in now and in some ways it’s more effective than serving.

    No extra spaces after periods were used in the creation of the paragraph above!

  5. So cute. Run for office. Participate in elections! Why bother? A presidential election was stolen. Whale oil beef hooked. I’ve got maybe 20 more years of road remaining. I’m concerned for my children and pray they do not give me grandchildren.

  6. Run for office. Get on the DNC shit list. Have your social media history and personal life examined with a fine tooth comb by government spooks with unlimited resources. Have every bad piece of info they can find or simply make up out of whole cloth sent to the local papers and local craptivists; so they can target you and your family for harassment.

    Sorry, until the GOP understands we’re a hare’s breath from a shooting war and only the left is willing and able to use intimidation and violence on a regular basis, good luck finding candidates. The GOP is were people who actually work for a living go.

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