Yes, It Exists and Yes, It Does – IOTW Report

Yes, It Exists and Yes, It Does

h/t Amy.

23 Comments on Yes, It Exists and Yes, It Does

  1. I worked at KFC for about a week back in high school & I would prefer to never smell that garbage again. No matter how much you scrubbed you couldn’t get that stink off you or your clothes.

  2. a wonderful opportunity for a lottery here.
    Betcha it will be less than two months before someone dies from eating one. They’ll probably put a disclaimer on it.
    Will the woman who used gorilla glue on her hair be the first? And how is she doing?

  3. Bob Bobby- I worked in a bubble gum factory for 20 minutes once. Not recently, thank you. They showed me what my job was and I quit. Never looked back (lol) and haven’t used gum since.

  4. Bob Bobby- I feel the same way about Target. I would wash my work clothes separately with high agitation and harsh soap but I still couldn’t get the smell of Target off them. If any of you still shop there, walk in about 20 or 30 feet, stop and smell the air. It’s THAT. lol.


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