“There Will Be Two Americas”: Fauci – IOTW Report

“There Will Be Two Americas”: Fauci

Trending Politics:
The left’s despicable weaponizing of COVID to advance their destructive political agenda has taken a dark turn now that the White House has acknowledged that Joe Biden’s goal of having 70 percent of the nation fully vaccinated by July 4th is not going to happen.

With Biden denied a political victory, there is clearly going to be hell to pay for those who have declined to get “the jab”. For weeks, there has been chatter in the media setting the stage to blame Americans in red states for any rise in cases that can be attributed to the mysterious Delta variant.

Contributing to that dangerous and divisive narrative was Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, who resurfaced on CNN where he chatted with Don Lemon, a venomous hater who wears his contempt for patriotic Americans on his sleeve.

Fauci is suggesting that the lack of enthusiasm for getting a vaccine has created “two Americas,” a statement that underscores the views of the one-party state and the political elite that any who fail to bend the knee are subhuman, or in the words of Biden, “Neanderthal” a term that he used to describe those who were resistant to mask mandates. MORE

24 Comments on “There Will Be Two Americas”: Fauci

  1. If what I’ve been reading about a certain high ranking CCP defector is true, Wu Fow Chi is in an untenable predicament. He is of no importance to anyone. He is canceled.

  2. Two Americas, two classes – no middle class, haves and have nots, state and proletariat, ruling class and plebians. It’s all the same objective and results. It’s called a totalitarian oligarchy. We’re well on our way to that societal structure.

  3. I’m proudly part of the healthy unvaccinated population – good luck to the suckers that want to keep injecting themselves with experimental gene therapy. That vax passport only is good if you are alive, healthy, and able to function.

  4. The Anti Vaxers are people that train and take care of themselves. The other side, a bunch of over weight unattractive mask wearing sheep. The very people the virus and the jab were designed to kill. Around here there were unmasked complete strangers high fiving each other in the stores before they lifted the mandate. We still have the same morons wearing masks.

  5. There is only one America: the nation that cleaves to the ideals of the Founders. The other citizens are Marxists slaves.

    All Americans are citizens of United States; not all (very few in fact) citizens are Americans.

    So …there will only be one America, and one tyranny.

  6. We have that now. There are coastal “elites” that are pissed that most Americans are now refusing to kow tow to their dictates, and everyone else. This has nothing to do with COVID; that is shaping up to be perhaps the biggest fraud in history. It has everything to do with ordinary Americans questioning their “betters.”

    Of course, those “betters” sent complete morons and crooks like AOC, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and a host of others to Congress. They got a demented former senator who really did nothing during his 50 year career elected (fraudulently) as President. The office of Vice-President is usually pretty benign, but Harris is so incompetent she scares the hell out people. We saw video of reporters standing in front of burning buildings describing how the BLM protests were “mostly peaceful.” Feminists are screeching about how they are equal to, or better than men; yet a man won the title of Miss Nevada and men who claim they are transgender dominate women’s sports. The so-called elite claim there are many genders although everyone knows there are only three genders: men, women and fucking nuts. Urban police departments have been defunded, and now people are shocked violent crime is rising. Our “betters” are surprised that when the government sends people money, they don’t want to work.

    Something has to give eventually, and I’m betting that the people with good old common sense and a set of moral values will prevail.

  7. I would welcome a push to separate, but not along “vax” lines. I wish to remove the CRT’ers, BLM, Antifa thugs, big government over taxer politicians, the open border morons, the lazy welfare slugs, the anti-God intellectuals, the globalist American haters, and all the triggered emotion over reason SJW’s from my America. They can have their own separate America, although something tells they would change the name into something really lame and stupid.

    The patriotic, hard working, God fearing, hero statue loving, individual responsibility owning alpha’s, the ones that own all the guns and have a limit as to how far they can be pushed, they will do just fine congregating amongst the like minded.

  8. Up here in BC, the strict mask mandates needed effective today. I had to go out and do a little shopping and it was fantastic not to have to wear a mask. It was about 50-50 of shoppers. One store still seemed to require them for employees, the other was 50-50 for employees, although many of them were people were hands-on with exposed food such as the meat department, the deli, etc.

  9. @rich taylor – “…They can have their own separate America, although something tells they would change the name into something really lame and stupid…”

    …like, The Unite Colors of Benneton Mussolini

  10. Mr. Manderin made part of my comment first. The second part is, the last eighteen months have begun to expose that divide and the next eighteen months are going to… harden positions. Beware the Awakened Saxon. Look it up if you know nor to what I refer.

  11. If a guy were curious about what a cock tastes like I’m sure he could trust this little faggot Fauci to have expert knowledge on that subject. Any other subject, not so much.

  12. For the first time, I agree with the little turd. There will be two Americas, the living one – people who didn’t get the jab, and the dead one – people who got it.


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