NY Parents Want Answers As To Why Their Kids Aren’t Excelling In School – And They’re Willing To Sue The Federal Government To Get Them – IOTW Report

NY Parents Want Answers As To Why Their Kids Aren’t Excelling In School – And They’re Willing To Sue The Federal Government To Get Them

A community of African-American parents from Queens are sounding the alarm about why kids in their public school system seem not to be achieving academically despite a high rate of per-student spending by the Department of Education.

And they’re threatening to get answers in court if they must.

The newly formed Students Improvement Association — which has ripped the low school performance in southeast Queens despite high DOE spending — pledged to dig in against the agency.

Leaders Michael Duncan and Raymond Dugue have highlighted that the DOE spends upwards of $28,000 per student at many schools in poorly performing District 29.

Despite spending $27,000 per student at PS 134 in Hollis, only 6 percent of fifth-graders passed their state math exams in 2019, SIA noted.

At a rally outside DOE headquarters in Manhattan on Friday, attorney Courtney Smith, who is representing the group, said SIA is preparing legal challenges to the DOE’s stewardship of District 29.

The group has already suggested they have some idea of why that kind of spending isn’t leading to academic results for their children: they contend the DOE has burdened them with mediocre administrators that repeatedly fail students, and that this might suggest “a tolerance for low achievement numbers in the largely black district.” more

19 Comments on NY Parents Want Answers As To Why Their Kids Aren’t Excelling In School – And They’re Willing To Sue The Federal Government To Get Them

  1. $28K per student! Yet they still claim they need more money.
    Imagine if you taught 10 kids. $280K for a teacher per year.
    Let them provide the materials, still make bank.

    In the old days when they likely spent $400/per student/year, you HAD to learn.
    Even if you didn’t try, you still learned.
    We had books, not the internet.
    Kids are doomed in the current indoctrination system.

  2. I would want to know more about the offended group before I shout hooray. There’s a good chance that the goal just funnels money in a different direction.

  3. Answer is easy: money never ever guarantees achievement in education. I bet I can teach a classroom of 5th graders in a freakin cave and produce better results.

  4. Rochester NY City School District spends $32k/student/year. 50% graduation rate and a 13% proficiency in reading. Regularly ranked worst school in the state.

  5. Shitty schools in minority communities run by liberals is the most racist thing this country has. Instead of focusing on fixing those schools, however, it’s easier to blame white people for keeping minorities down. Good for these parents for pressing this issue.

  6. Naturally, pointing fingers in the wrong direction.
    The Teachers Unions are to blame, not the befuddled maggots in the Dept. of Indoctrination … er … uhh … Education.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Democrat run school districts treat black kids like they’re dumb you-know-what. They need stupid street thugs to riot, not well-functioning young people who see a pathway to the good life if they do the work required.

  8. @Cisco
    Good point. No matter how they’re, ranked aborting black kids (All Babies Matter), CRT, and crappy schools in minority areas are real issues, not the phony racist nonsense

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